אתר זה משתמש בקובצי Cookies כדי להבטיח שתקבל את החוויה הטובה ביותר באתר שלנו. קראו את מדיניות הפרטיות ותנאי השימוש.
קיימים מספר ערוצי קבלה.
בכל אחד מערוצים אלו, יש לעמוד בנוסף ביתר תנאי הקבלה. פירוט נוסף ניתן למצוא בקטגוריית מועמדים וכן במדריך לנרשם.
חישוב ממוצע הבגרות כולל בונוס עם ציון מבחן הפסיכומטרי או התיל.
ציון ההתאמה הקובע לקבלה למרכז האקדמי לב הוא 79 לקבלה על תנאי או 80 ומעלה לקבלה תקינה.
למחשבון ציון ההתאמה לחץ כאן
הלימודים מתחילים בסמסטר אלול. במהלך הסמסטר לומדים, בנוסף ללימודי קודש, גם את קורסי הקדם במתמטיקה, מחשבים ופיזיקה (משתנה מחוג לחוג). הסמסטר אורך כחודש ומטרתו לסייע לסטודנטים לחזק ולרענן את הידע בתחומים אלו לקראת הקורסים המתקדמים של סמסטר א'. לכל תלמיד חדש מפורט במכתב הקבלה אילו קורסים הוא מחויב ללמוד בסמסטר אלול.
שכר הלימוד במרכז האקדמי לב הוא שכר לימוד אוניברסיטאי מופחת ונקבע כל שנה על פי החלטת המועצה להשכלה גבוהה.
שכר הלימוד אינו כולל תשלומים עבור לימודי קודש, קורסי יסוד באנגלית, קורסי קדם ואגרות.
מבחן פוטנציאל שבודק כישורים ותכונות רלוונטיים ללימודים האקדמיים. מבחן זה מוכר כמקביל למבחן הפסיכומטרי עבור קבלה למרכז האקדמי לב, למעט למועמדי העתודה האקדמית ומועמדים לחוג לסיעוד.
המבדקים נמשכים כ-4 שעות ומתייחסים למידת ההתאמה לחוג המבוקש. המבדקים מוצגים באמצעות צג המחשב ואין כל צורך בהתנסות קודמת בהפעלת מחשב על מנת להצליח בהם. מבחן להתנסות עצמית ניתן למצוא באתר תיל אינטרנשיונל. לפרטים נוספים על המבחן ושאלות לדוגמא- לחץ כאן
בקשה לשינוי רישום יש לשלוח במייל למדור רישום. יש לציין בפניה שם מלא ומספר זהות.
מדור רישום לב harshama@jct.ac.il
מדור רישום טל harshama-tal@jct.ac.il
מדור רישום לוסטיג oritmu@jct.ac.il
מדור רישום תבונה tvuna@jct.ac.il
ניתן לבצע שינוי כל עוד החוג פתוח להרשמה. השינוי חייב להתבצע ע"י פניה במייל למדור מידע ורישום.
במידה והנך עומד בכל תנאי הקבלה, מכתב הקבלה יישלח במייל בתוך שבוע ממועד קיום הריאיון.
2a. Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
Period of Study
Name of Institution and Department |
Year of Approval of Degree
1997-2001 |
Jerusalem College of Technology (Machon Lev), Israel. |
B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering Teaching Certificate |
2001 |
2003-2005 |
Ben Gurion University, Israel. Unit of Electro-Optics. |
M.Sc. in Electro-Optics Engineering |
2005 |
2007-2011 |
Tel Aviv university, Israel. Department of Electronic Engineering. |
Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering
2011 |
Name of Institution and Department
2011- present |
Jerusalem College of technology – Lev Academic Center - JCT |
Lecturer, Researcher (Part-Time) |
2014 – present |
Ben Gurion University |
Advisor (Part-Time) |
2014 |
Holon Institute of Technology |
Advisor (Part-Time) |
2015 |
Shamoon College of Technology |
Advisor (Part-Time) |
2017 |
Tel Aviv University |
Advisor (Part-Time) |
2011-2015 Head of the Committee for the Improvement of Teaching in the Department of Electronics Engineering, Jerusalem College of Technology – Lev Academic Center.
Positions in Ministry of Defense
2001-2015 Head of optronic defense systems section at the Israeli Navy. In charge of all the Israeli Navy electro optical systems
2015-present Head of detector and camouflage field at MAFAT- The Administration for Research and Development of Technological Infrastructure at the Israeli Ministry of Defense
Journal refereeing
2014-present Applied Optics
2016-present Optical Engineering
2017-present Journal of Electronic Imaging
2020–present Optics Express
2021 IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Active Participation – Local Conferences
Name of Conference
Place of Conference
Subject of Lecture/Discussion
August 2010 |
The Optical Engineering Conference |
Lev Academic Center, Israel |
Optimal pupil coding masks |
Lecturer |
December 2010 |
The 2nd Mediterranean Photonics Conference |
Eilat, |
All Optical Extended Depth of Field |
Lecturer |
1-2 April, 2019 |
Oasis 7th Conference and Exhibition on Optics and Electro-Optics |
Tel Aviv, Israel |
Improving Power Conversion Efficiency of Organic Solar Cells by Integrating Grating Metasurfaces |
Poster, 4th author |
1-2 April, 2019 |
Oasis 7th Conference and Exhibition on Optics and Electro-Optics |
Tel Aviv, Israel |
Presentation, 4th author |
7-9 June, 2021
Photonics Days Israel Conference of AEAI. |
Tel Aviv, Israel(Virtual due to Covid-19) |
Chairman (Defense Session) |
Active Participation – International Conferences
Name of Conference
Place of Conference
Subject of Lecture/Discussion
June 2010 |
The 5th EOS Topical Meeting on Advanced Imaging Techniques (AIT 2010) |
Engelberg, Switzerland |
Optimal pupil coding masks |
Lecturer |
28 – 30 August 2017 |
The 8th International Conference on Photonics, Devices and Systems |
Prague, Czech Republic |
Analysis and Observers Survey for Reduction of Sea Glint Reflection |
Poster, PI |
28 August – 1 September 2017 |
PHOTONICA2017 The Sixth International School and Conference on Photonics |
Belgrade, Serbia |
Polarized Intensity Reduction of Red-Sea Glint Reflection |
Poster, 2nd author |
25- 29 June, 2017 |
EOS Conferences at the World of Photonics Congress (WPC2017) |
Munich, Germany |
Glint Filtering At Marine Environment, |
Poster, 2nd author |
14 – 16 July, 2019 |
Joint OSA-OSJ-OSK Optics and Photonics Congress |
Busan, Korea |
A Microcavity Structure for Perfect Absorption of Midinfrared Radiation |
Presentation, 4th author |
4 – 6 September 2019
Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics International Conference |
Munich, Germany |
Ultrathin resonant cavity merging high refractive index contrast grating meta-surface mirror for highly efficient absorption of mid-infrared radiation |
Poster, 2nd author |
10–15 May 2020 |
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) |
San Jose, California, United States (Virtual due to Covid-19)
Upmost Efficiency Mid IR Thin HgCdTe Photodetectors, in |
Poster, 5th author |
14–17 September |
Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science APS/DLS (FiO+LS) |
Washington, DC, United States (Virtual due to Covid-19) |
Dual-Grating Meta-Structure Optimized for Perfect Narrow-Band Absorption in an Ultrathin Absorber for Tunable Sensing Applications |
Poster, 4th author |
09 – 14 May 2021 |
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2021) |
San Jose, California, United States (Virtual due to Covid-19) |
Ultra-thin Silicon Photonics Meta-detector for Perfect 850-950nm Band Tunable Absorption |
Poster, 2nd author |
09 – 14 May 2021 |
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2021) |
San Jose, California, United States (Virtual due to Covid-19) |
Binary phase pupil mask and principal component analysis image fusion tailored for extended depth-of-field imaging |
Poster, 1st author |
09 – 14 May 2021 |
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2021) |
San Jose, California, United States (Virtual due to Covid-19) |
Fabrication of polymeric grating layers and their integration into optoelectronic devices using dip-pen nanolithography |
Poster, 3rd author |
List of recent seminars
Place of Lecture
Name of Forum
May 2015 |
Jerusalem College of Technology - JCT |
Departmental Seminar - Electronic Engineering |
Considerations in Systems Engineering |
May 2016 |
Jerusalem College of Technology - JCT |
Departmental Seminar - Electronic Engineering |
Increasing the depth of field of a lens using a phase mask |
June 2017 |
Jerusalem College of Technology - JCT |
Departmental Seminar - Electronic Engineering |
Two-dimensional MTF in imaging systems |
May 2018 |
Jerusalem College of Technology - JCT |
Departmental Seminar - Electronic Engineering |
Methods for improving image tracking capability from a single sensor |
May 2019 |
Rafael - Leshem |
Electro-Optics Division |
Methods for improving image tracking capability from a single sensor |
June 2019 |
Jerusalem College of Technology - JCT |
Departmental Seminar - Electronic Engineering |
Considerations in Systems Engineering |
May 2020 |
Jerusalem College of Technology - JCT |
Departmental Seminar - Electronic Engineering |
Fusion image using AI |
April 2021 |
Jerusalem College of Technology - JCT |
Departmental Seminar - Electronic Engineering |
Considerations in Systems Engineering |
Participation in Active Industry-Academic Grants
Role in Research
Funded by |
Consultant (1) |
Ben Gurion University SDC, LTD. |
Integration of nanotech optics from meta-materials for infrared detection devices |
Israel Innovation Authority 2018-2019 |
Consultant |
Technion, Israel Ricor, LTD. |
Development of a Pulse-Tube Cryogenic refrigerator |
Israel Innovation Authority 2020-currnet |
(1) Due to MOD regulations, I can participate only as a consultant to these projects.
2010 The Electro-Optics Foundation Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis, Tel Aviv University.
2012 Navy Commander's Awards for "Creative Thinking (twice).
2012 The "Technological Symbol" by the IDF Chief of Staff.
Courses Taught in Recent Years
Courses taught at Jerusalem College of Technology, Macon Lev, are indicated by JCT
Name of Course
Type of Course
Number of Students
2012 2013 2014 2016 2017 2018 2020 |
Analog and Digital Electronics |
B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering - JCT |
30 |
2012 2013 2015 |
Communication Engineering
B.Sc. in Software Engineering - JCT |
30 |
2012 |
Signals and systems |
Lecture |
B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering - JCT |
30 |
2020 |
Advanced Electronics Lab |
Laboratory |
B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering - SCE |
35 |
2021 |
Electronic Measurements |
Lecture |
B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering - JCT |
35 |
Supervision of Graduate Students
Name of Student |
Title of Thesis |
Degree |
Date of completion |
Student's Achievement's |
Roy Avrahami, Ben Gurion University with Prof. Shlomo Hava |
Polarization-based glint filtering for marine environment imaging systems. |
Master |
2016 |
Improving VIS cameras for dealing with sun glitter - by adding a polarizer and image processing |
Eyal Karavany, Tel Aviv University with Prof. Eli Turkel |
Detecting Targets Using Polarization |
Master |
2017 |
Algorithm for automatic detection of targets using polarizer and light analysis. |
Roy Avrahami, Ben Gurion University with Prof. Shlomo Hava and Prof. Rafael Shikler |
Optical manipulations based on nanostructured photonic metamaterials |
Ph.D |
2020 |
Simulation for designing two-dimensional lattices for the benefit of camouflage applications and cheap detectors with high efficiency in various spectrum areas |
Elad Fisher Jerusalem College of Technologt - JCT with Dr. Eli Weiss |
Low power in-situ AI Calibration of a 3 Axial Fluxgate Magnetic Sensor |
Master |
2021 |
A method for calibrating a magnetic meter that has been used operationally |
Aviel Garbian, Ben Gurion University with Prof. Yitzhak Yitzhaki |
Separation between reflection and background images using learning networks. |
Master |
In Progress |
In Progress |
During my professional career, I combined both academia and industry, training in academia and contributing to Israeli defense technology and the Electro-Optics industry. For over two decades, I have been involved in the research and development of high technology in various fields, including image processing and electro-optical systems engineering. Since completing my PhD (2011) I have begun incorporating academic teaching in my areas of specialization. I devote much time, voluntarily, to mentoring at a number of academic institutions, most notably at JCT. I see the teaching of young students as a mission, and the research carried out is aimed at serving the Israeli industry.
2008-present Establishment of a community center in Netanya for education and society.
2010-present Currently volunteering member of the Steering Committee of the Ministry of Defense in the field of electro-optics.
2010-present Extensive activity in the field of teaching and academic guidance in a number of institutions of higher education, on a voluntary basis.
2013-2014 Helping students with difficulty at the municipal high school in Yeruham
2015 - Graduate of the Command and Staff course (IDF)
A. Ph.D. Dissertation
Title: Diffusion and directed motion in living biological cells.
Date of approval: May. 2011.
Pages: 151.
Language: English
Institute: Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Advisors: Prof. Emanuel Marom and Dr. M.A. Golub.
D. Articles in Refereed Journals
1. Ben-Eliezer, E., Konforti, N., Milgrom, B., and Marom, E. An optimal binary amplitude-phase mask for hybrid imaging systems that exhibit high resolution and extended depth of field. Optics express, 16(25), p.20540–20561(2008) [ IF – 3.669 , Q1 , citations - 40].
Fabricated the phase masks, analyzed the model, with NK constructed the experimental system, conducted the experiment with NE, and wrote part of the manuscript with EBE.
2. Milgrom, B., Konforti, N., Golub, M., and Marom, E. Novel approach for extending the depth of field of Barcode decoders by using RGB channels of information. Optics express, 18(16), p.17027–17039(2010)[ IF – 3.669 , Q1 , citations - 23].
Fabricated the phase masks, analyzed the model, constructed the experimental system, conducted the experiment with NK, and wrote the manuscript.
3. Milgrom, B., Konforti, N., Golub, M., and Marom, E.Pupil coding masks for imaging polychromatic scenes with high resolution and extended depth of field. Optics express, 18(15), p.15569–15584.(2010) [ IF – 3.669 , Q1 , citations - 18]
Developed the model with EM (my PhD advisor), analyzed the data, fabricated the phase masks and wrote the manuscript.
4. Marom, E., Milgrom, B., and Konforti, N. Two-dimensional modulation transfer function: a new perspective. Applied optics, 49(35), p.6749–6755(2010) [ IF – 1.961, Q1 , citations - 18].
Developed the model with EM (my PhD advisor), designed the linear and angular resolution target, analyzed the data, and wrote the manuscript.
5. Lipschutz, I., Gershikov, E., and Milgrom, B. New methods for horizon line detection in infrared and visible sea images. Int. J. Comput. Eng. Res, 3(3), p.1197–1215. (2013) [ IF – 0.675 , Q3 , citations - 28]
Developed the model with IL, preformed the naval experiment and wrote part of the manuscript.
6. Lu, Q., Bar-Shalom, Y., Willett, P., Ben-Dov, R., Milgrom, B., and Granström, K. Tracking initially unresolved thrusting objects using an optical sensor. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 54(2), p.794–807. )(2017) [ IF – 3.672 , Q1 , citations - 8].
Analyzed the optical paraments, analyzed the mathematical model with LQ and YBS, and conducted the research
7. Lu, Q., Bar-Shalom, Y., Willett, P., Granström, K., Ben-Dov, R., and Milgrom, B. Tracking initially unresolved thrusting objects in 3D using a single stationary optical sensor. In Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXVI (pp. 1020002).(2017) IF – 0.56 , Q3 , citations - 1].
Analyzed the optical paraments, analyzed the mathematical model with LQ and YBS, and conducted the research
8. Lesnik, R., Verhovski, N., Mizrachi, I., Milgrom, B., and Haridim, M. Gain enhancement of a compact implantable dipole for biomedical applications. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 17(10), p.1778–1782.(2018) [ IF – 3.51 , Q1 , citations - 12].
Analized the data with MH and wrote part of the manuscript RL and NV.
9. Yang, K., Bar-Shalom, Y., Willett, P., Ben-Dov, R., and Milgrom, B. Observability of a Thrusting/Ballistic Trajectory in 3-D From a Single Fixed Passive Sensor. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 54(6), p.2971–2979. )(2018) [ IF – 3.672 , Q1 , citations - 2].
Analyzed the optical paraments, analyzed the mathematical model with KY and YBS, and conducted the research
10. Yang, K., Bar-Shalom, Y., Willett, P., Ben-Dov, R., and Milgrom, B. Trajectory estimation and impact point prediction of a ballistic object from a single fixed passive sensor. In Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXVII (pp. 1064609).(2018) ) [ IF – 0.56 , Q3 , citations - 1].
Analyzed the optical paraments, analyzed the mathematical model with KY and YBS, and conducted the research
11. Finelli, A., Bar-Shalom, Y., Willett, P., Milgrom, B., and Ben-Dov, R. Extracting fast targets from an EO sensor. In Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXVIII (pp. 1101802).(2019) IF – 0.56 , Q3, citations - 1].
Analyzed the optical paraments, analyzed the mathematical model with LQ and YBS, and conducted the research
12. Kowalski, M., Bar-Shalom, Y., Willett, P., Milgrom, B., and Ben-Dov, R. CRLB for multi-sensor rotational bias estimation for passive sensors without target state estimation. In Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXVIII (pp. 1101805).(2019) [ IF – 0.56 , Q3, citations - 1].
Analyzed the optical paraments, analyzed the mathematical model with MK and YBS, and conducted the research
13. Yang, K., Lu, Q., Bar-Shalom, Y., Willett, P., Freund, Z., Ben-Dov, R., and Milgrom, B. Estimation for a Thrusting/Ballistic Object with Mass Ejection from a Single Fixed Passive Sensor with Delayed Acquisition. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 55(6), p.2786–2795.(2019) [ IF – 3.672 , Q1 , citations - 6].
Analyzed the optical paraments, analyzed the mathematical model with KY and YBS, and conducted the research
14. Lu, Q., Bar-Shalom, Y., Willett, P., Palmieri, F., Ben-Dov, R., and Milgrom, B. Measurement Extraction for Two Closely-Spaced Objects using an Imaging Sensor. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 55(6), p.2965–2977.(2019) . [ IF – 3.672 , Q1 , citations - 4].
Analyzed the optical paraments, analyzed the mathematical model with LQ and YBS, and conducted the research
15. Engelberg, S., and Milgrom, B. Tracking using state estimation: A brief introduction. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, 22(3), p.36–42.(2019) [ IF – 1.913 , Q2, citations - 1 ].
Developed the model with SE, analyzed the data, and wrote the manuscript with SE.
16. Avrahamy, R., Milgrom, B., Zohar, M., Auslender, M., and Hava, S. Improving Object Imaging With Sea Glinted Background Using Polarization Method: Analysis and Operator Survey. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(11), p.8764–8774.(2019) [ IF – 6.12 , Q1 , citations - 2].
Designed the simulation, analyzed the data, and formulated the physical model with MA.
17. Avrahamy, R., Zohar, M., Auslender, M., Fradkin, Z., Milgrom, B., Shikler, R., and Hava, S. Upmost efficiency, few-micron-sized midwave infrared HgCdTe photodetectors. Applied optics, 58(22), p.F1–F9.(2019) [ IF – 1.961 , Q1 , citations - 6].
Designed the simulation with RA, analyzed the data, and formulated the physical model with MA.
18. Avrahamy, R., Zohar, M., Auslender, M., Milgrom, B., Hava, S., and Shikler, R. In-depth investigation and applications of novel silicon photonics microstructures supporting optical vorticity and waveguiding for ultra-narrowband near-infrared perfect absorption. Photonics Research, 8(3), p.381–394. (2020). [ IF – 5.72 , Q1 , citations - 4].
Designed the simulation, analyzed the data, and formulated the physical model with MA and wrote part of the manuscript with RA.
19. Finelli, A., Bar-Shalom, Y., Willett, P., Milgrom, B., and Ben-Dov, R. Measurement extraction of two targets with unequal intensities in a FPA. In Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXIX (pp. 1142306).(2020) . IF – 0.56 , Q3, citations - 2].
Analyzed the optical paraments, analyzed the mathematical model with AF and YBS, and conducted the research
20. Milgrom, B., Avrahamy, R., David, T., Caspi, A., Golovachev, Y., and Engelberg, S. Extended depth-of-field imaging employing integrated binary phase pupil mask and principal component analysis image fusion. Optics Express, 28(16), p.23862–23873.(2020) [ IF –3.669 , Q1, citations - 3 ].
Proposed the research plan, created the phase mask, conducted the experiments with RA, nalyzed the mathematical information with SE and wrote the manuescript/
21. Haridim, M, Afrimov, L, Milgrom, B, Zalmanovich, E, Gamliel, A, Juwiler, I. Improving the performance of NRZ‐DPSK optical fiber networks using adaptive FSR in the receiver. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 63 (2), 685-689.(2021) [ IF – 0.948 , Q2].
Analized the data with EZ ad created the analitic model with EG
22. R Avrahamy, B Milgrom, M Zohar, M Auslender, Chalcogenide-based, all-dielectric, ultrathin metamaterials with perfect, incidence-angle sensitive, mid-infrared absorption: inverse design, analysis, and applications, Nanoscale, 13, 11455-11469(2021) [IF – 7.79, Q1]
Analized the data with RA and led the research group.
23. Z Tian, K Yang, M Danino, Y Bar-Shalom, B Milgrom, Launch Point Estimation with a Single Passive Sensor Without Trajectory State Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, (Early Access) (2021) [IF – 3.672, Q1]
Analyzed the optical paraments, analyzed the mathematical model with ZT and YBS, and conducted the research
E. Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books (which are not Conference Proceedings)
1. 1. Lifshitz, I., Gershikov, E., and Milgrom, B., . 14. New Methods for Horizon Line Detection and Target Marking in Infrared and Visible Sea Images. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing (2014).
Developed the model with IL, preformed the naval experiment and wrote part of the chapter.
F. Articles in Conference Proceedings
F1. Presentations at Conferences with Published Proceedings
1) M. Auslender, R. Avrahamy, M. Zohar, B. Milgrom, and R. Shikler, A Microcavity Structure for Perfect Absorption of Midinfrared Radiation, (The 30th Anniversary of the Optical Society of Korea) Joint OSA-OSJ-OSK Optics and Photonics Congress, 14 – 16 July, 2019, Busan, Korea. Conference Proceedings, 14.07.2019, S2C-X-4, pp. 32 – 33.
2) Yang, K., Bar-Shalom, Y., Willett, P., Ben-Dov, R., and Milgrom, B. 2018. Bound on the Estimation of a 3-D Trajectory from a Stationary Passive Sensor and its Attainability. In 2018 21st International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION) (pp. 166–170).
3) Haridim, M., Hilly, O., Levi, L., Lesnik, R., and Milgrom, B. 2018. Estimating the Relation Between Parotid Gland Tumor Development and Exposure RF Radiation. In 2018 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO) (pp. 1–3).
4) Klipstein C., R Fraenkel , B. Milgrom and others, 2021, Advanced Infrared Photodetectors at SCD, ICOL-2019: Proceedings of the International Conference on Optics and Electro-Optics, Dehradun, India (pp. 31-35(.
H. Other Scientific Publications
US Patents
1) Marom, E., Ben-Eliezer, E., Konforti, N., and Milgrom, B.. (2013). Optical imaging system with an extended depth-of-field and method for designing an optical imaging system. US Patent 8,576,323 , [citations - 14].
2) Milgrom, B., Marom, E., Konforti, N., and Golub, M. (2014). Devices and methods of reading monochromatic patterns. US Patent 8,682,066 [citations - 40].
3) Milgrom, B., Marom, E., Konforti, N., and Golub, M. (2015). Devices and methods of reading monochromatic patterns. US Patent 9,213,882.
I. Other Publications
Over 150 classified research publications as lead author and research director (at Ministry of Defense).
J. Submitted Publications
1) Z.Tian, K.Yang, M.Danino, Y.Bar-Shalom, and B.Milgrom, "Pursuer Aim Identification for an Aircraft Formation Using a Passive Sensor Without State", submitted to IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
L. Summary of my Activities and Future Plans
See attached Biography
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