אתר זה משתמש בקובצי Cookies כדי להבטיח שתקבל את החוויה הטובה ביותר באתר שלנו. קראו את מדיניות הפרטיות ותנאי השימוש.
קיימים מספר ערוצי קבלה.
בכל אחד מערוצים אלו, יש לעמוד בנוסף ביתר תנאי הקבלה. פירוט נוסף ניתן למצוא בקטגוריית מועמדים וכן במדריך לנרשם.
חישוב ממוצע הבגרות כולל בונוס עם ציון מבחן הפסיכומטרי או התיל.
ציון ההתאמה הקובע לקבלה למרכז האקדמי לב הוא 79 לקבלה על תנאי או 80 ומעלה לקבלה תקינה.
למחשבון ציון ההתאמה לחץ כאן
הלימודים מתחילים בסמסטר אלול. במהלך הסמסטר לומדים, בנוסף ללימודי קודש, גם את קורסי הקדם במתמטיקה, מחשבים ופיזיקה (משתנה מחוג לחוג). הסמסטר אורך כחודש ומטרתו לסייע לסטודנטים לחזק ולרענן את הידע בתחומים אלו לקראת הקורסים המתקדמים של סמסטר א'. לכל תלמיד חדש מפורט במכתב הקבלה אילו קורסים הוא מחויב ללמוד בסמסטר אלול.
שכר הלימוד במרכז האקדמי לב הוא שכר לימוד אוניברסיטאי מופחת ונקבע כל שנה על פי החלטת המועצה להשכלה גבוהה.
שכר הלימוד אינו כולל תשלומים עבור לימודי קודש, קורסי יסוד באנגלית, קורסי קדם ואגרות.
מבחן פוטנציאל שבודק כישורים ותכונות רלוונטיים ללימודים האקדמיים. מבחן זה מוכר כמקביל למבחן הפסיכומטרי עבור קבלה למרכז האקדמי לב, למעט למועמדי העתודה האקדמית ומועמדים לחוג לסיעוד.
המבדקים נמשכים כ-4 שעות ומתייחסים למידת ההתאמה לחוג המבוקש. המבדקים מוצגים באמצעות צג המחשב ואין כל צורך בהתנסות קודמת בהפעלת מחשב על מנת להצליח בהם. מבחן להתנסות עצמית ניתן למצוא באתר תיל אינטרנשיונל. לפרטים נוספים על המבחן ושאלות לדוגמא- לחץ כאן
בקשה לשינוי רישום יש לשלוח במייל למדור רישום. יש לציין בפניה שם מלא ומספר זהות.
מדור רישום לב harshama@jct.ac.il
מדור רישום טל harshama-tal@jct.ac.il
מדור רישום לוסטיג oritmu@jct.ac.il
מדור רישום תבונה tvuna@jct.ac.il
ניתן לבצע שינוי כל עוד החוג פתוח להרשמה. השינוי חייב להתבצע ע"י פניה במייל למדור מידע ורישום.
במידה והנך עומד בכל תנאי הקבלה, מכתב הקבלה יישלח במייל בתוך שבוע ממועד קיום הריאיון.
Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
Year of approval 0f Degree |
Degree |
Name of Institution and Department |
Period of Study |
1969 |
BA cum laude |
Yeshiva University, Department of History and Political Science |
1965-1969 |
1969 |
BRE (Bachelor of Hebrew Culture and Religious studies) summa cum laude |
Yeshiva University, Department of Judaic and Hebraic Studies |
1965-1969 |
1981 |
MSN magna cum laude Thesis: The relationship between locus of control of mothers and provision of cognitive stimulation to their pre-schoolers Adviser: Dr. B. Ventura |
Pace University- Leinhard School of Nursing |
1979-1981 |
1981 |
FNP- Family Nurse Practitioner Certification |
Pace University- Leinhard School of Nursing |
1979-1981 |
2000 |
PhD Thesis: Facilitation of adherence to treatment regimens by informal caregivers for their dependent elderly care-recipients, 2000. 185 pages plus 70 in appendix Written in Hebrew Hebrew University, School of Social Work Advisors: Prof. H. Litwin, DSW, (main) Prof. G. Auslander, DS Prof. M. Clarfield, MD
Hebrew University, School of Social Work |
1995-2000 |
Rank/Position |
Institution |
Year |
adjunct lecturer |
Ben-Gurion University |
2006-2010 |
senior lecturer |
Jerusalem College of Technology |
2007-2010 |
adjunct associate professor, tenured |
Jerusalem College of Technology |
2011- present |
*2008-2015 Founder and Department Head, Nursing, Jerusalem College of
*2015- present Dean, Faculty of Life and Health Sciences, Jerusalem College of
*2015- present Head of Faculty Rules and Regulations Enforcement committee
*2017-present Founder and Head. MSN/Nurse Practitioner program, Jerusalem
College of Technology
Professional activities, Ministry of Health
2002- 2006 Special appointment of the Ministry of Health as a member of the
Health Ministry Ombudsman
2002- 2006 Ministry of Health appointment to the National Advisory Committees
on Geriatrics
2004- 2006 Special appointment of the Minister of Health to the National
Advisory Committee on Health Promotion
Professional Committees:
*2012-2013 Appointment by the Israel Council of Higher Learning Member of
committee for the promotion of academic nursing in Israel
*2012-2015 Member of the Helsinki Review Board, Hadassah Medical Center
*2013 Appointment by the Israel Council of Higher Learning as reviewer of
the Tel Aviv academic nursing program for the IDF
Presentation |
Forum |
Place of Lecture |
Date |
Lecture series: ethical aspects of care for the elderly |
Geriatric Instititute |
Shaarai Zedek Medical Center |
1995-1998 |
Lecture series on medical ethics |
Schlesinger Institute |
Shaarai Zedek Medical Center |
1997 |
Perspectives on pain and suffering |
Schlesinger Institute |
Shaarai Zedek Medical Center |
2008, 2009 |
Caring for the chronically |
Undergraduate workshop |
Hadassah school of nursing |
2008, 2009, 1010 |
Applying sociological theories of aging to nursing practice |
Graduate workshop |
Hadassah school of nursing |
2008 |
Scientific and halachic aspects of immunization |
Schlesinger Institute |
Shaarai Zedek Medical Center |
2011* |
year |
Funded by, amt |
Topic |
Co-researcher |
Role |
1998 |
Jerusalem municipality, 2000IS Ph.D |
Caregiver facilitation to the elderly |
none |
Ph.D |
1998 |
Eshel/ Brookdale institute 2000IS Ph.D
Caregiver facilitation to the elderly |
none |
Ph.D |
1999 |
Wolfson Foundation scholarship for research in the social sciences 3000IS Ph.D |
Caregiver facilitation to the elderly |
none |
Ph.D |
2012-2013 |
Clalit Sick Fund 50000IS Exploring inter- relationships between self- efficacy, self-management, depression, and glycemic control in community dwelling Israelis with type 2 diabetes. The Journal of Diabetes Nursing 2014 |
Promoting self- management in clients with Type 2 diabetes |
Dr. Rivkah Hazan, Yossi Frier Dror, Dr. Yishai Lev |
PI |
2016-2018 |
Minstry of Science 120,780IS Research in process |
Evaluating the preparation for earthquakes in the haredi community |
Prof. Amotz Agnon |
Assistant researcher |
Number of students |
Degree |
Type |
Name of course |
Year |
BA |
Lecture |
Research Methods for Nurses
Research Methods for Nurses
Research Methods for Nurses
2010-2011 |
71 |
BA |
Lecture |
Research Methods for Nurses
2011-2012 |
7 |
BA |
Seminar |
Research Seminar |
2011-2012 |
57 |
BA |
Lecture |
Introduction to Gerontology |
2011-2012 |
76 |
BA |
Lecture |
Research Methods for Nurses
2012-2013 |
7 |
BA |
Seminar |
Research Seminar |
2012-2013 |
60 |
BA |
Lecture |
Introduction to Gerontology |
2012-2013 |
10 |
BA |
Seminar |
Research Seminar |
2013-2014 |
65 |
BA |
Lecture |
Geriatric Nursing |
2013-2014 |
46 |
BA |
Lecture |
Case Management |
2013-2014 |
10 |
BA |
Seminar |
Research Seminar |
2014-2015 |
56 |
BA |
Lecture |
Case Management |
2014-2015 |
73 |
BA |
Lecture |
Geriatric Nursing |
2015-2016 |
67 |
BA |
Lecture |
Case Management |
2015-2016 |
16 |
BA |
Seminar |
Research Seminar- 2 groups |
2015-2016 |
13 |
BA |
Seminar |
Research Seminar- 2 groups |
2016-2017 |
60 |
BA |
Lecture |
Geriatric Nursing |
2016-2017 |
73 |
BA |
Lecture |
Geriatric Nursing |
2017-2018 |
20 |
BA |
Seminar |
Research Seminar- 2 groups |
2017-2018 |
36 |
Lecture |
Professionalism and ethics |
2018- 2019 |
10 |
Seminar |
Nursing seminar |
2018- 2019 |
10 |
BA |
Seminar |
Research Seminar |
2018- 2019 |
grade |
date |
degree |
title |
name |
88 |
2011 completed |
MA, Ben- Gurion, Nursing |
Israel hospital nurses attitudes toward bio medical and holistic therapeutic modalities and .the use of complementary therapy in practice |
Brurya Orkabi |
92.5 |
2010 Completed |
MA, Ben- Gurion, Nursing |
Integrative Intervention to Improv Medication Adherence among Inpatients with Schizophrenia |
Sagit Dahan |
Tool created for doctoral thesis is listed in the database of instruments:
I build an original tool for my PhD. And it was accepted into the index of tools
Greenberger, H. (2004). “Adherence Facilitation Index”. Health and
Psychosocial Instruments. Behavioral Measurement Database Services.
Pittsburgh, PA.
Certification programs
1982 - American Society for Prophylaxis in Obstetrics ASPO
1986 - Certification in test-design and testology
1988 - Post-basic certification: Intensive Care Nursing, Kupat Cholim
Reviews of academic work
2008 Review of Master thesis for completion of the advanced clinical
Master degree Hebrew University, School of Nursing:
Physical Activity two years of longer after CABG: The role of illness and emotional representations, submitted by : Galit Siboni-Asaraf
2009 Review of manuscript Evaluation of pain content in a baccalaureate
Nursing program: International Journal of Nursing Education
Scholarship: changes in heart transplant recipients, submitted by Efrat
*2014 Review of Doctoral thesis as part of completion of the requirements for
PhD at the Ben Gurion University of Health Sciences:
Prediction of Competence of Clinical Specialist Nurses: Predictive Validation of a Simulation Based Registration Examination,
Submitted by: Hilla Fighel
Many lectures in the community on a voluntary basis
1985 Empire State University, Israeli branch, tutorial in Women's Health
Professional activities and employment, Shaare Zedek Medical Center
1988-2001 Director of the Shaare Zedek School of Nursing, Jerusalem
Responsibilities included budget management, staff development,
Curriculum development and teaching responsibilities, student development, conference organization, maintenance of professional relationships with national and international bodies, fund raising
Courses taught:
Fundamentals in Nursing
Nursing adults with medical/surgical health problems
Nursing the older adult
Nursing adult with chronic illness in the community
Seminar in health and adherence promotion
Seminar in promotion of well being
2001-2006 Professional activities and employment, Ministry of Health
Director of the Department of Testing, Ministry of Health, Nursing
Responsibilities included overseeing all aspects of development,
administration and auditing of national nursing licensure
examinations for Registered Nursing and post-basic certification in 12
specialties; overseeing nursing division’s research projects, conducting
research studies, establishing government policy together with other
staff members
2006- 2007 Director of the Department of Accreditation and Licensure,
Ministry of Health, Nursing:
Building and updating the core curriculum for nursing programs, accrediting all nursing programs in the country, overseeing all the processes involved in obtaining licensure as a registered nurse for Israeli and foreign nursing graduates; advancing the professional development of the registered nurse, overseeing nursing division’s research projects, conducting research studies, establishing government policy together with other staff members
2008-present: The Nursing department at the Jerusalem College of Technology
Under my direction, went from one class of 46 students to a
multi-campus department with both undergraduate and graduate
programs (including Nurse Practitioner Certification)
and now numbers approximately 1200 students.
A. Ph.D. Dissertation
Thesis: Facilitation of adherence to treatment regimens by informal caregivers for their dependent elderly care-recipients, 2000. 185 pages plus 70 in appendix
Written in Hebrew
Hebrew University, School of Social Work
Advisors: Prof. H. Litwin, DSW, (main)
Prof. G. Auslander, DSW
Prof. M. Clarfield, MD
B. Scientific Books (authored chapters)
Published (those after appointment as adjunct associate professor are marked with a star)
1. גרינברגר ח. ומור, פ. השפעת נוכחות אדם קרוב ליד חולה שיב"ס על סיכויי החלמתו – נתונים רפואיים ומשמעותם להלכות שבת" (תשע"ט- 2019*) מופיע בספר אסיא טז, שער ד', עמ' 150-170 , מכון שלזינגר.
2. Noble, A. and Greenberger, C. Commitment to Compassion and Care. In: Religion, Religious Ethics, and Nursing (.(2018* Marsha Fowler, ed. N.Y. Springer., pp. 197-212. 23 citations for book
3. Greenberger, C. and Korn, L. Toddler Safety in the home environment (*2015) In:Child and Adolescent Health Issues: A Tribute to the Pediatrician Donald E Greydanus . Joav Merrick, ed. Nova Scotia. Nova Science Pub pp. 183-189.
4. Mor, P. and Greenberger, C. Family presence at patient’s bedside, may Sabbath prohibitions be overridden? (*2018) In: Dynamics of continuity and change in jewish religious life. Simcha Fishbane and Eric Levine, eds.N.Y., Touro College Press. pp. 299-314.
C. Articles in Referred Journals
Published (those after appointment as adjunct associate professor are marked with a star are marked with a star)
Articles in Hebrew, peer reviewed
1. גרינברגר,ח. ורכס ח. וריב"א ש. סקר מיומנויות טכניות נרכשות בבית ספר לסיעוד גוף ידע 1(2004) (1), 1-6.
2. גרינברגר, ח. ורכס חץ וריב"א ש. טיפול בכאב: מנבאי ידע ועמדות בקרב סטודנטים לסיעוד במסלול אקדמי ואחים ואחיות בהשתלמות מוכרת בישראל. גוף ידע (2007). 2 (2).81-89 .
3. עורקבי, ב. וגרינברגר, ח. עמדות אחיות בית חולים בישראל כלפי השיטות הטיפוליות
ההוליסטית והביו-רפואית. גוף ידע. (2014*). 11.
4. גרינברגר, ח. ווילהלם, ד. מקומו ומעמדו של החינוך לסיעוד במערכת הבריאות
בישראל: היבט השוואתי. גוף ידע (2014*) 11.
5. מור, פ. וגרינברגר ח. נשאיות BRCA בריאות: היבטים פסיכו- סוציאליים של החוויה
והטיפול . במה, כתב עת של האגודה למלחמה בסרטן (2014(*.
Articles in English, peer reviewed
6. Greenberger, H. and Litwin, H. Can burdened caregivers be facilitators of
elder recipient health care? Journal of Advanced Nursing (2003).41(4), 1-10.
ISI IF= 2.267, (SJR: IF=1.01) 90 citations, Q1 H136
7. Greenberger, H. and Litwin, H. Caregiver resources and the caregiver’s role as adherence facilitator for elderly care-recipients, Canadian Journal of Aging. (2003). 22(4), 395-405. IF= 0.48, 5 citations, Q2; H33.
8. Riba, S., Reches, H. and Greenberger, C. State involvement in Nurses’
Professional development: restrictive or promoting excellence? On
Line Journal of Nursing, University of Kansas (2004). 15 citations.
9. Greenberger, C., Reches, H. and Riba,S. Do nursing graduates
registered programs in Israel perceive themselves as technically
competent? Journal of Continuing Nursing Education. (2005). 36(3),
133-140. IF= 0.48, 39 citations, Q2; H33.
10. Greenberger, C., Reches, H. and Riba, S. Levels and predictors of
knowledge and attitudes regarding pain among Israeli baccalaureate nursing students and nurses pursuing certification. International Journal of Nursing Scholarship. (2006). 3:1 (article 8). IF= 0.57, 16 citations, Q1 H37.
11. Greenberger, C. Nir, Z. (co-authors with equal contribution) and Bachner, Y.
profile, Burden and Quality of Life of Israeli Survivor Caregivers: a
longitudinal study. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing (2009). 41(2) 92-105.
IF= 0.43 , 55 citations, Q1, H39.
12. Greenberger, C. Vaccination Protocols in Israel: Scientific and
Epidemiological data and an introductory Halachic discourse.
ASSIA, Journal of Halacha, Ethics, and Medicine (2010). 87-88 5-27.
13. Greenberger, C. The Hierarchy of values in Jewish bioethics: red flags and
Shades of gray. Nursing Ethics (2011*).18(4) 37-47. ISI IF= 1.876 (SJR: 0.
90) 3 citations, Q1, H50
14. Greenberger, C. and Koren, L. Knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of
Jewish Ultra Orthodox mothers as related to toddlers' safety in the home
environment. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Health.
(2011*) 4(4) 383-396. 1 citation
15. Greenberger, C. (2016*) Immunization in the halachic light the case of
hepatitis B. Jewish Medical Ethics. Machon Schlesinger . (2016) 8(2)
4- 16. (Adapted from entry number12.
16. Greenberger, C. and Mor, P. Is Presence of a family member at the bedside of
a critically ill patient an issue of Pikuach Nefesh? Assia: Journal of
Halacha, Ethics, and Medicine. (2012*). 23(3-4) 81-103. (Hebrew).
17. Greenberger, C. Gerotranscendence through Jewish eyes. The Journal of
Religion and Health. (2012*). 51(2) 281-292. IF=0.564 5 citations, Q1
18. Greenberger, C. Haron, Y. and Riba, S. The Nursing division of the
Israeli health ministry moves nursing into the forefront of healthcare. Journal
of Politics, Policy, and Nursing Practice (2014*) IF, SJR= 0.536; IF=Journal
indexing and Metrics 1.040, 2 citations.
19. Greenberger, C. Enteral nutrition in end of life: The Jewish Halachic
Ethic. Nursing Ethics. (2014*). ISI IF=1.876 SJR IF=: 0.90 2 citations
Q1 H50.
20. Greenberger, C. and Orkabi, B. (both authors equal input). Complementary
Therapy: Israeli Hospital Nurses' Attitudes and Behaviors.
Journal of Holistic Nursing. (2015*). 33(1) 19-26. SJR: 0.38,
Source-normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) = 0.485, 10 citations, Q2.
21. Greenberger, C., Freier-Dror, Y., Lev, Hazan-Zoref, R.
Exploring inter-relationships between self-efficacy, self-management,
depression, and glycemic control in community dwelling Israelis
with type 2 diabetes. The Journal of Diabetes Nursing (2014*). 8 (8): 333-
339. IF= 0.16, 3 citations, Q3, H7.
22. Behrbalk, P., Dahan, S., Greenberger, C., & Stolovy, T. Improving
adherence in hospitalized patients diagnosed with schizophrenia: An
integrative one-on-one intervention. Archive of Psychiatric Nursing (2016*)
30(6), 660-665. IF= 0.55, 5 citations, H44.
23. Aidelman, R., Boyko, M., Greenberger, C., Landsman, A., & Smith, Y.
Distinctive gene expression profile in women with history of postpartum
depression. Genomics (*2017), 109(1), 1-8. ISI IF = 2.9 (IF, SJR: 1.31) 5
citations, Q2, H135.
24. Greenberger, C., Carmel, J. O., and Romem, A. Sarah’s journey through
the end of life: A literary and pictorial analysis. Journal of Palliative Care &
Medicine (2016*), 6(4), 272. IF= 0.882 (Journal Indexing and Metrics ) 0.72.
25. Greenberger, C. and Mor, P. Should Sabbath Prohibitions Be
Overridden to Provide Emotional Support to a Sick Relative? Maimonides
Medical Journal. (2016*), 7:3, 1-13. 1 citation (expansion of item 16)
26. Greenberger, C. Religion, Judaism, and the challenge of maintaining an
adequately immunized population. Nursing Ethics (2016*). 24(6), 653-662. ISI
IF=1.876 ( IF, SJR=0.90), 2 citations, Q1, H50. (expansion of item 10)
27. Greenberger, C., and Romem, A. End-of-life in Israel: A case report.
Journal of Palliative Care and Nursing. (*2017). 1(1), 104.
28. Greenberger, C. and Romem, A. When cancer strikes a grief-
stricken father. Journal of Palliative Care and Nursing (2017*). 1(1), 105-
29. Finkelstein, A., Yaacov G. Bachner., Greenberger. C, Rebecca Brooks., Ariel
Tenenbaum. Correlates of burnout among professionals working with
people with Intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Intellectual
Disability Research (2018*) Web of Science IF= 2.026, I citation, Q1
30. Haron, Y., Romem A., Greenberger, C. The role and function of the palliative
care nurse practitioner in Israel. International Journal of Palliative Nursing
(2019*). 25: 4; 186-192. IF= 0.41, Q2, H35
Jewish Bible Quarterly articles in health behavior (indexed in RAMBI)
1. Greenberger, C. Cain and Abel: (mis) Management of rejection and
Unmet expectations. Jewish Bible Quarterly (2016*). 44 (3): 116-124. 1 citation
2. Greenberger, C. Noah's survival and enduring legacy. Jewish Bible
Quarterly (2017*);45(1) 27-33.
3.Greenberger, C. The submission of Abraham. Jewish Bible Quarterly
(2017*) 45(2):73-78. 1 citation.
4. Greenberger, C. Isaac's counter legacy. Jewish Bible Quarterly (2017*). 45
(3): 143-152.
5. Greenberger, C. (2018). Esau and Jacob: Brothers clash, reconcile, and separate.
Jewish Bible Quarterly (2018*). 46:3:144-157.
מאמרים בכתב עת האחות בישראל
גרינברגר ח. ושילה י. ראיון מובנה ככלי למידה במסגרת קורס בנושא
המטופל הכרוני האחות בישראל (1996) 153 20-23.
. גרינברגר ח. שילה י. וחרירי א. שביעות רצון של אחיות
במחלקות האשפוז מעבודתן", האחות בישראל (1997) 1 156 -107.
גרינברגר ח. הספרות היפה - HI TOUCH - כלי להוראת הסיעוד בשנות
ה-2000. האחות בישראל (2000).162 : 47-48.
גרינברגר ח. וגליק, ל. . "שביעות רצון של מטופלים העוזבים את חדר מיון
ללא לא אישור רפואי ומקומו של הסיעוד" האחות בישראל (2002)
167: 14-20.
Submitted Publication: to the Jewish Bible Quarterly:
Tamar and Judah, lost and (partially) redeemed self esteem
Summary of my Activities and Future Plans
The thrust of my research endeavors has related to the psycho-social determinants of health. These factors are critical to nursing practice as its underpinnings are holistic in nature, that is, they are based on the understanding the illness trajectory is not only based on physiology, but rather on the interplay between it and factors related both to the human psyche and the interactions of the individual with his/her social and cultural surroundings. Emotional and physical stress share a common physiological pathway in the body through which health and disease states develop both short and long term. Nurses embrace both conventional therapies as well as those of a non-conventional, more psycho-socially oriented.
Within this holistic framework, I have researched the nature of coping and health behavior, including adherence to a professionally delineated regimen, in various populations. With respect to those coping with chronic conditions, I have studied the manner in which self-efficacy, motivation for self-management, and mood impact upon the maintenance of control of diabetes mellitus. With respect to a population challenged by schizophrenia, an interventional study undertaken, lent credence to the effectiveness of a tailor made nursing intervention on drug adherence and overall functioning. Regarding the elderly I explored the impact of various aspects of gero-transcendence on successful and meaningful aging, even in the face of multiple illness states. For women who carry the BRACA gene, their active guided participation in decision making eases the coping and builds conficence.
In terms of the health behavior of care-givers, the predictors of good accident preventative practice of mothers of toddlers revealed that internal locus of control as well as exposure to the media impacted attitude and behavior. Cultural determinants such as religious affiliation were studied and found to be related as well, although locus of control was universally a strong predictor. The facilitation of adherence of care-givers to elderly care-recipients, that is the degree to which they affected positive health behavior in the elderly, was predicted by both perceived self-competency and social support of informal and formal frameworks. The degrees of need (e.g., the functional limitations of the elderly) were only weakly associated with the degree of facilitation which was rather determined by the psycho-social resources available to the caregiver. These findings are critical for modifying essential caregiving to the elderly.
Culture is a powerful social determinant and as such, potentially affects health behavior. Attitudes toward immunization were researched from a cultural-religious perspective and revealed that from both an individual and communal perspective, most religions embrace immunizations as a moral responsibility. There are, however many misperceptions which are barriers to adherence. Culture and religion are critical determinants of health behavior as they delineate the value system which drives the individual. The value placed on health and sanctity of life, for example, will determine the resources and individual brings to bear. It will also impact upon the ethical framework within which professionals care for the health of others.
I have utilized the biblical heroes and anti-heroes of genesis as exemplars of constructive and destructive behavior in order to offer an additional avenue for both professionals and care-recipients to fine tune their coping styles as they deal with life's challenges. To date, the specific domains that I have addressed are: (mis) managing rejection, rebuilding self-esteem, transcending self and reaching out to others, regaining coherence after trauma, overcoming sibling rivalry, practicing self-assertion while maintaining respect for one's fellow.
Plans for future research include the addition of two more articles in this series, and their subsequent compilation into a book. The last two articles will address the impact of a significant other as a catalyst for critical life change and the role of emotional intelligence in reuniting a dismantled planted family.
In addition, I plan to analyze the data I have collected over the last number of years on the following three health behavior related issues:
- Attitudes and behavior toward individuals with disabilities and their determinants
- Intentions to sign a organ donor card and the predictive factors involved
- The positive and negative aspects of caregiving to functionally impaired elderly individuals by the children and spouses
- Antecedents and consequences of fear of falling in the elderly
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