אתר זה משתמש בקובצי Cookies כדי להבטיח שתקבל את החוויה הטובה ביותר באתר שלנו. קראו את מדיניות הפרטיות ותנאי השימוש.
קיימים מספר ערוצי קבלה.
בכל אחד מערוצים אלו, יש לעמוד בנוסף ביתר תנאי הקבלה. פירוט נוסף ניתן למצוא בקטגוריית מועמדים וכן במדריך לנרשם.
חישוב ממוצע הבגרות כולל בונוס עם ציון מבחן הפסיכומטרי או התיל.
ציון ההתאמה הקובע לקבלה למרכז האקדמי לב הוא 79 לקבלה על תנאי או 80 ומעלה לקבלה תקינה.
למחשבון ציון ההתאמה לחץ כאן
הלימודים מתחילים בסמסטר אלול. במהלך הסמסטר לומדים, בנוסף ללימודי קודש, גם את קורסי הקדם במתמטיקה, מחשבים ופיזיקה (משתנה מחוג לחוג). הסמסטר אורך כחודש ומטרתו לסייע לסטודנטים לחזק ולרענן את הידע בתחומים אלו לקראת הקורסים המתקדמים של סמסטר א'. לכל תלמיד חדש מפורט במכתב הקבלה אילו קורסים הוא מחויב ללמוד בסמסטר אלול.
שכר הלימוד במרכז האקדמי לב הוא שכר לימוד אוניברסיטאי מופחת ונקבע כל שנה על פי החלטת המועצה להשכלה גבוהה.
שכר הלימוד אינו כולל תשלומים עבור לימודי קודש, קורסי יסוד באנגלית, קורסי קדם ואגרות.
מבחן פוטנציאל שבודק כישורים ותכונות רלוונטיים ללימודים האקדמיים. מבחן זה מוכר כמקביל למבחן הפסיכומטרי עבור קבלה למרכז האקדמי לב, למעט למועמדי העתודה האקדמית ומועמדים לחוג לסיעוד.
המבדקים נמשכים כ-4 שעות ומתייחסים למידת ההתאמה לחוג המבוקש. המבדקים מוצגים באמצעות צג המחשב ואין כל צורך בהתנסות קודמת בהפעלת מחשב על מנת להצליח בהם. מבחן להתנסות עצמית ניתן למצוא באתר תיל אינטרנשיונל. לפרטים נוספים על המבחן ושאלות לדוגמא- לחץ כאן
בקשה לשינוי רישום יש לשלוח במייל למדור רישום. יש לציין בפניה שם מלא ומספר זהות.
מדור רישום לב harshama@jct.ac.il
מדור רישום טל harshama-tal@jct.ac.il
מדור רישום לוסטיג oritmu@jct.ac.il
מדור רישום תבונה tvuna@jct.ac.il
ניתן לבצע שינוי כל עוד החוג פתוח להרשמה. השינוי חייב להתבצע ע"י פניה במייל למדור מידע ורישום.
במידה והנך עומד בכל תנאי הקבלה, מכתב הקבלה יישלח במייל בתוך שבוע ממועד קיום הריאיון.
1972-79 Ph.D. Mathematics Tel-Aviv University, Thesis: Spaces of compact operators on a
Hilbert Space; Advisor: Professor Aldo Lazar; Degree Granted: May 1980
1966-71 BA and MA, Mathematics, University of Moscow, Major: Functions of complex
variables and conformal mappings.
2000-current Departments of Mathematics and Physics, Jerusalem College of Technology,
Israel, Professor
2003-2015 Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel, Vice-president, Head of Research
2000-2003 Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel , Rector
1998-2000 Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel, Associate Professor,Vice Rector
1991-2000 Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel, Associate Professor, Chair Department of
1989-90 Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel, Associate Professor
1987-89 Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel, Senior Lecturer
1986-87 University of California, Los Angeles, Visiting Assistant Professor
1985-86 University of California, Riverside, Visiting Assistant Professor
1983-85 University of California, Los Angeles, Visiting Assistant Professor
1979-83 University of California, Irvine, Lecturer
1978-79 Tel-Aviv University: Lecturer
1972-78 Tel-Aviv University: Teaching Assistant
1998-99 Nurture Life Ltd. R&D director, developing algorithms for calculation of the
amount of milk during breast feeding
1997-98 Jerusalem College of Technology, Center for Handicapped Technology, R&D
director, developing a handicapped speech recognition device based on neural
network technology.
1994-97 Memsys Ltd. (a spin-off of the Jerusalem College of Technology incubator)
R&D director, developing memory devices from defective memory components;
developed a new effective method of describing the defectiveness of the devices and
algorithms of avoiding the defective regions; designed and implemented a unique
production line for such products
1992-94 Jerusalem College of Technology and Yavne Hatchary, Senior Researcher in project
"Gender determination of new-born chicks" , developing algorithms for signal
compression and classification based on statistical methods and neural networks.
1984-99 Technologic Software Ltd , Irvine, California Co-founder and director, its spin-of
software company Access360, acquired by IBM in 2002
1974-77 Golden State Software Ltd, Los-Angeles, California, co-founder, R&D director,
leading the development of one of the first multilingual Hebrew - English word
processor "Mince" that was sold in USA
1975 Prize of the Department of Basic Research of the Israel National Academy of Science and
1977 Research Prize in memory of Michael Landau of The Fund for Research of Mifal Hapais
1999 The annual Henry and Betty Rosenfelder Award for the outstanding Jerusalem College of
Technology faculty member
2005 The annual Henry and Betty Rosenfelder Award for the outstanding researcher of the
Jerusalem College of Technology
5.1 Summary of Current Research and Development Activities
More than 100 years ago, Einstein's special relativity demonstrated that time is a relative notion. The observed rate of a moving clock differs from the rate of a stationary clock. In fact, the observed rate depends on the clock's velocity. All admissible velocities are bounded by the speed of light. These predictions of special relativity have been verified experimentally in several different ways.
It is natural to ask whether acceleration and potential energy also influences the observed rate of a moving clock in addition to the influence due to its velocity. Today, there are several existing experimental techniques to test whether acceleration influences the observed rate of a clock. I introduced an extension of special relativity, which was call extended relativity (ER), by assuming that acceleration effects the observed rate of a clock. We derived transformations between uniformly accelerated systems in ER and show that ER predicts that there is a maximal acceleration. We obtained relativistic dynamics in ER. We have shown that Kundig's 1963 experiment indicates that acceleration does influence the rate of a clock, supporting the ER model and providing an estimate for the maximal acceleration.
Three experiments were performed currently at PETRAIII-DESY, Hamburg and at two at ESRF Grenoble to test predictions of ER and to estimate the maximal acceleration. The experiments are based on Mossbauer spectroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation. We got indications that time is influenced by acceleration. An experiment that will get more accurate dependence of time dilation will be performed at ESRF summer 2017. We have shown how ER handles black-body radiation and some quantum properties of a Hydrogen-like atom.
The last two years I lead a project Relativistic Newtonian Dynamics (ERD) which explains the deviations from classical Newtonian dynamics in astronomy as a result of the influence of the potential energy on spacetime. So far we were able to show that this (much simpler) theory predicts all known post-Newtonian observations, predicted by Einstein's General Relativity, without the need of curving spacetime. Unlike General Relativity, this theory is not limited to gravitation and could be applied to any field.
5.2 Future Directions for Research and Development.
We are working on more experiments to test ER and RND. We got allocated beam-time for the next experiment at ESRF, upcoming summer.
Looking for possible applications of RND and ER for optical computing, nano-technology and high-frequency devices.
5.3 Summary of Past Research and Development Activities
-triples and their applications
The -triples are the algebraic structure associated with Bounded Symmetric Domains. They contain algebras, Jordan algebras, Hilbert spaces and other mathematical structures and occur in different problems in mathematics. The theory of-triples had large advancements the last three decades. My main research before the associate professor degree was related to the study of the structure and representations of these spaces.
Together with B. Russo it was shown that the geometry of the state space of Quantum mechanics (arousing from the measuring process) leads to a -triple structure on the set of observables. At the Jordan algebra conference in Oberwolfach I presented several results and future plans for applications of Bounded symmetric domains and-triple structure for different problems in physics and electronics. A new representation on the Canonical Anticommutation Relations and the Lorentz group based on the triple structure was obtained. We have also shown that the spin factor provides a model for both fermions and bosons.
Together with J. Arazy and T. Barton we have shown that everywhere defined derivation of a -triple is automatically continuous and that bounded derivations are approximated by inner derivations. New condition for differentiability of such functions was derived. These results of
operator differentiation and other new results in -triples allowed us to solve the contractive projection problem in . Together with A. Ungar we have shown that the translations of the authomorphism group of a bounded symmetric domain generate so called gyrogroup,
which is a generalization of a group. It was shown that a gyrogroup could be deformed into a group. This result was used to modify the velocity addition in special relativity to make this
addition associative
Fuzzy dynamics
A new way based on methods of Fuzzy Logic of describing evolution of systems with uncertainty was developed together with U. Sandler. Based on causality principle
differential equations describing the evolution of such systems were derived and concrete methods of solving these equations were developed. Qualitative analysis of different possible behavior was performed. Several examples were considered. The fuzzy dynamic description of the elaboration of the instrumental reflex gave a good agreement with the
experimental data.
Applied mathematics: models in optics, statistics, medicine and brain research
Together with N. Schwietzer we build a mathematical model for description of stability of optical systems under rotation and translation. It was shown that plane mirror systems
are stable if and only if they are retroreflecting or direction preserving. Using this model we classified all stable systems containing 3 or less mirrors. This classification already revealed unknown stable systems.
Together with A. Gelman and E. Phadia we developed the best estimator for cumulative distribution function based Kolmogorov-Smirnov loss function and defined a test of hypothesis about cumulative distribution.
Together with Alexander Friedman and the Neuropharmacology Laboratory of Dr. Gal Yadid at Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center at Bar-Ilan University we discovered the effect of
depression on the neuronal activity in the ventral tegmental brain area. We analyzed data of neuronal activity in VTA area of an animal model of depression and identified the missing
signals of such activity under depression. Based on this discovery it was developed at the Brain Research center of Bar Ilan a successive treatment for depression on the animal model. We found a way to characterize the effect of desipramine treatment on depressed animals.
Mathematical models for Physics based on Mathematics of Bounded Symmetric Domains
It was shown that the Bounded Symmetric Domains occur from fundamental laws in
Physics and that the geometry of these domains determine the evolution of systems. This approach is presented in my book published by Birkhouser in2004 in the series Progress in Mathematical Physics. Together with Yu. Gofman we have shown that if there is a dependence of the time from the acceleration, then there is a universal maximal acceleration.
It was shown that the triple product connected to the domain of type 4 correspond to the
geometric product of Clifford algebras. This product is used to define a relativistic
phase space and three representations of the Poincare group on this space.
We found currently a complex scalar pre- potential for any electromagnetic field. This
pre-potential may become the bridge between classical and quantum mechanics.
I introduced a Universal Principle of Inertia and developed a Relativistic Newtonian Dynamics based on it. This dynamics is much simpler then General Relativity, but passes all the classical tests of GR. Moreover, it can be applied to non-gravitational forces as well. For spherically symmetric gravitational field this theory allows more possible solutions, then GR, which pass all the above tests. These solutions allow for light to have different speed from and toward the source of the field. We plan to perform experiments to test this predictions.
Together with an international team, I initiate four experiments and the synchrotrons DESY, Hamburg and ESRF, Grenoble to test the influence of acceleration on the time dilation. We developed the methodology for such experiments, identified the obstacles and developed methods to overcome them. We obtained statistically significant partial results, but conclusive results need to wait for the next level of technology at these facilities.
6.1 Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Journals (not conference proceedings)
(1977) p.151-165.
Mathematical Society, 200, March 1978, 165 pages.
Math. Soc., 273 (1982), p.57-73.
Scandinavica, 52 (1983), p.279-311.
Systems", Journal of London Math. Society, 27 (2)(1983) p.513-524.,
Serie I, Mathematique 296 (1983), p.393-396.
Mathematics, 115 (1984), p.351-360.
Functional Analysis 60 (1985), p.56-79.
and Ang. Math., 356 (1985), p.67-89.
Journal, 53, 1, (1986), p.139-148.
(Oxford) 37 (1986), p.263-277.
-algebras and their generalizations", Mathematische Zeitschrift, 194 (1987), p.227-236.
Mathematica Scandanavica, 61 (1987), p.292-330.
Journal of London Math. Soc., 36, (1987) p.513-523.
Under Kolmogorov-Smirnov Loss Function", Annals of Statistics 16 (1988) p.1254-1261.
24, N5 (1988), p.707-722.
goodness-of-fit test", Communication in Statistics , 17 N. 12 (1988), p.41-47.
Journal of Math, 137, N1 (1989), p.123-144.
Proceedings (Cambridge Philos. Soc.) 106 (1989), p.107-124.
Math (Oxford) 41 (1990) p.255-268.
Integral Theory, 13 (1990), N. 4, p.462-487.
London Math. Soc., 65(3) (1992), p.142-174.
(1992), 109 pages.
Foundations of Physics, Letters 5, N4 (1992), p.337-354.
Journal of Mathematics, 45(1), (1993), p.33-87.
Domains", Results in Mathematics, 26, (1994), p.28-38.
-triples", Quarterly Journal of Math (Oxford) 46, (1995), p.257-278.
And Systems, 84 (1996), p. 61-74.
and Y.Z. Diamant, " Ultrasonic Growth Curves for an Ultra-Orthodox Jerusalem
Population: Comparison with Accepted Normograms", Israel J. Obstet. Gynecol., 7 no3
(1996) p.95-105.
Theory and Applications, Invited paper, 2, No.3-4, (1997),p.5-21.
Applied Optics, 37, No.22 (1998), p.5190-5193.
Mirrors", Applied Optics, 37, No.31 (1998), p.7229-7234.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Special Issue''Fuzzy Modelling and Dynamics'', 106 no 1
(1999) p.61-74.
spinors", Seminarberichte aus dem Fachbereich Mathematik, 68,n3 (1999), p.107-140 .
group on them", Foundations of Physics, 31(12),(2001) ,p.1733-1766 .
Physics?", International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 41, No.10, (2002) p.1861-1875.
Symmetry", Foundations of Physics, 32, No.11, (2002) p.1717-1736.
mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields as viewed in the laboratory frame",
Phys. Rev. E 72 (2005), 026603-1--10.
Journal of Physics, 55 N11 (2005) p.1403-1408.
and relativistically accelerated systems based on symmetry", Concepts of Physics, IV N2
(2007) p.205-237.
Physics, IV N2 (2007) p.239-260.
and Depressive Behavior" , Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 32(1) (2007) p.72-9.
in an Animal Model of Depression and Corrected by Desipramine" Journal of Molecular
Neuroscience, 34 (3) (2008) p.201-209.
electromagnetism", Annalen der Physik 17 No. 9-10 (2008) p769-786.
in Applied Clifford Algebras, Birkhauser, (2008) p.621-645
Phys. Scripta, 82 (2010) 015004.
effect",Journal of Physics A:Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (2010) 405305.
shift for an accelerated source", Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 523 No. 5, (2011) 408-416.
Mossbauer spectroscopy", Phys. Scripta, 85 (2012) 065702.
acceleration", Phys. Scripta, 86 (2012) 015002.
Explicit Solutions for Motion under a Constant Force", Phys. Scripta, 86 (2012) 065008.
Frame", Phys. Scripta, 87 (2013) 055004.
Scripta, 87 (2013) 065702.
R\"olsberger, Johann Haber, Gerhard Wortmann, Shai Arogeti, Menachem Friedman,
Ziv Brand, Nissim Levy, Oren Efrati, Tanya Frumson , Aharon Finkelstein, Alexander
Chumakov, Innokenty Kantor and Rudolf Rueffer ``Synchrotron Radiation Mossbauer
spectra of rotating absorber with implications for testing velocity and acceleration time
dilation" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 22 (2015) 723 - 728
propagating through a single resonant medium" Europhysics Letters 111(2015) 34003,
doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/111/34003
Relativity and Gravitation 47 (2015)121 DOI: 10.1007/s10714-015-1966-5
Newtonian dynamics" Europhysics Letters 113 (2016) 39001,
doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/113/39001
Wortmann, S. Arogeti, R. Levy, A. I. Chumakov, and R. Ruffer ``Impact of non-random
vibrations in Mossbauer rotor experiments testing time dilation " Europhysics Letters
114 (2016) 50010, doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/114/50010
of a binary without curving spacetime" Europhysics Letters 116 (2016) 59001
Wortmann and A. I. Chumakov `` Advances in testing the effect of acceleration on time
dilation using a Synchrotron Mossbauer Source" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 24(3),
(2017) 661-666
Letters 117 (2017) 49003
Dynamics " Europhysics Letters 117 (2017) 59001
conservative force” International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 16
(2019) 1950015
Wortmann, O. Efrati, A. Finkelstein, S. Petitgirard,A. I. Chumakov and D. Bessas
“The validity of an experiment testing the influence of acceleration on time dilation using a
rotating Mossbauer absorber and a Synchrotron Mossbauer Source” Journal of Synchrotron
Radiation 26(2) (2019) 473-482, https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600577519000857
Europhysics Letters 125 (2019) 49001
passing classical tests of General Relativity” Europhysics Letters 126 (2019) 29001
6.2 Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings (not abstracts)
in Pure Mathematics, 38 part 2 (1982), p.615-618.
theorems of Kadison and Kaup", Proc. of the 1987 Great Plains Operator Theory Seminar,
Rocky Mountain. J. Math., 2, N. 2, (1990), p.409-428.
Jordan Algebras, Proceedings of the Conference held in Oberwolfach, Germany, Walter de
Gruver, (1994), p.61-82.
International Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, (1994), p.615-618.
Proc. of the International Conf. on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, Zichron Yaakov,
Israel,(1997), p.45-52.
complex systems", Proc. of the Seventh IFSA'97 World congress, Prague, (1997), 4, p.152-
Proc. of the Seventh IFSA'97 World congress, Prague, (1997), v4, p.156-158.
rational adaptation in the rapidly changing world", Proc. Int. Educational Summit ''Towards
The Global University: Strategies For The third Millennium,'' Tours, Loire Valley, France,
(1998), p.57-66.
Seventh International Conference on Information Processing and Management of
Uncertainty - IMPU'98, (1998), v.2, p.925-931.
International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty –
IMPU'98, (1998), v.1, p.136-143,
Proceedings Sixth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing –
EUFIT'98, (1998), 1, p.66-70,
Symmetry", in Gravitation, Cosmology and Relativistic Astrophysics, A Collection of
Papers (Kharkov National University, Kharkov, Ukraine, (2004), 102.
charged particle in a constant field", PIERS Proceedings, July 2-6(2008) , Cambridge,
USA, 529-533.
Physics: Conference Series 437 (2013) 012009
Physics: Conference Series 437 (2013) 012017
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 437 (2013) 012018
Acceleration" , IARD 2016, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 845 (2017) 012008
of Physics: Conference Series 845 (2017) 012028
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1239 (2019) 012011
6.3 Presentations at Conferences with Published Proceedings.
6.4 Patents
Two patents submitted by Memsys Ltd. in Israel and to PCT.
In these patent a new mathematical method for information compression of the description of defectiveness of large scale electronic devices is proposed. By use of this method and methods of Operations Research a production process for component recovery of defective memory elements was developed and successfully implemented.
6.5 Books, Book Sections
1984-86 NSF Grant DMS-8402640, "Structure and Representation of Operator Systems, "
1986-88 NSF Grant DMS-86-03064, "Structure and Application of Operator Triple Systems".
1989-92 BSF Grant 88-00066, "Structure and Application Of Facially Symmetric Spaces,
Derivations of Operator Triple Systems"., Y. Friedman, B. Russo and T. Barton
2010-14 German-Israel Foundation for Scientific Research and Development: GIF No. 1078-
107.14/2009"Exploring the full range of electrodynamics: from applied physics to general
relativity "., Y. Friedman, Y. Itin, F. Hehl and C. Laemmerzahl
2013 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, PETRAIII,Hamburg, Germany: Experiment
I-20130242 “Testing the Clock Hypothesis of Relativity Theory via Nuclear Resonant
scattering” under leadership -R. Röhlsberger
2014 ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Nuclear Resonance Beamline ID18, Grenoble,
France, Experiment HC-1361 “Testing the Clock Hypothesis of Relativity Theory via
Nuclear Resonant scattering” under leadership -R. Röhlsberger
2016 ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Nuclear Resonance Beamline ID18, Grenoble,
France, Experiment HC-1898 “Testing the Clock Hypothesis and Time Dilation via
Nuclear Forward Scattering” under leadership - Y. Friedman
2017 ESRF - The European Synchrotron, Nuclear Resonance Beamline ID18, Grenoble,
France, Experiment HC-3065 “Testing the Clock Hypothesis using a Synchrotron
Mossbauer Source” under leadership - Y. Friedman
of Physics, General Relativity and Gravitation, EPL and others
the new curriculum for this department.
3.Coordinator of the committee for the second degree program in Computer Based Systems.
developed the new curriculum for this department.
2005 Toulouse. 2. Invited lecture at Colloquium on Integrable Systems 2005 in Prague
Kaohsiung Taiwan