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2nd Cohort of Yazam BaLev Accelerator Begins


The second cohort of the "Yazam BaLev" start-up entrepreneurship accelerator at JCT is now beginning. This is a program that provides new startups with all the tools they require in order to realize their ideas and form an actual company. Yuval Virzberg who participated in the first cohort stated: "Thanks to 'Yazam BaLev' I received a better understanding of start-ups: how to find investors, the process of taking an idea and forming a company and how to write a patent. The program sent me in directions that I hadn't previously considered, both from a professional perspective and in the understanding of the product itself. I learned how to define the problem and build a good and effective business plan. Most importantly  I was able to connect with people in the industry, and the Jerusalem start-up industry in particular. I suggest that everyone who starts out as an entrepreneur, should undergo this process at 'Yazam BaLev.'" Ben Weiner, the Program Director and Manager of a Venture Capital Fund, explains that this accelerator program, is especially suitable for the religious community.

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