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JPost on the contribution of JCT to this trend


By Eliana Rudee/

Haredi, women, and high-tech: three words you never expected to exist harmoniously in the same sentence. And yet, in the Jewish state, these three are a match made in the Garden of Eden. In Israel, the hottest social debate continues over the economic effect of Israel’s religious population and what should be done to ameliorate the resulting economic pressure on haredi families and on the state. These discussions and subsequent laws have encouraged many haredim to seek work where many were previously opposed, as work takes time away from men’s commandment of Torah study and women’s duty to take care of the family and home. However, as the haredi lifestyle with plenty of kids and a minimal earned salary becomes less viable, haredi rabbis have granted approval for many men and women to enter the workforce, leading to a rapid increase of employment among the haredi sector. Women, in particular, are leading this revolution within the community, as they are often required to be the family breadwinners so their husbands can continue to fulfill the commandment of Jewish learning. 


To read the full article on the JNS website, click here

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