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"Lev Bakehila" (Lev in the Community)
Earlier this year, the Jerusalem College of Technology opened an extensive social project called "Lev Bakehila" (Lev in the Community) for assisting disabled persons. The project deals with the advancement of the rights of people with disabilities: the right, inter alia, for housing, education, employment, accessibility, fair trial, and equality. As part of this project, the students and staff will assist people in the Haredi and religious communities in Jerusalem, addressing their problems and needs, which are currently receiving secondary treatment. The project was established and is headed by Dr. Adi Finkelstein and Tzvika Or from the Nursing Department. 50 students from the Tal and Lev campuses, including students from the Haredi community and students living with disabilities, will participate in the project. The project is open to students from all departments at JCT, studying towards bachelor as well as master degrees. Students participating in the project will receive scholarships as well as a certificate for participation in the pilot program.
Read JCT VP Doni Fogel's recent commentary in the Jerusalem Report.
The Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, Rabbis, faculty, graduates and...
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