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President Shimon Peres visits the campus and shows special interest in meeting and hearing the ultra-Orthodox students who constitute about a third of the institution’s 4,500 students.

January 2014

At Jerusalem College of Technology, President Shimon Peres Seeks Out Haredi Students 

"On his visit to the Jerusalem College of Technology yesterday, President Shimon Peres showed special interest in meeting and hearing the ultra-Orthodox students who constitute about a third of the institution's 4,500 students.

The visit to the 44-year-old academic institution - which teaches engineering, management, accounting and nursing to national religious and haredi young people, with men and women on separate campuses - was the first by a sitting president, though Peres had visited JCT years before he became president.

The modern Orthodox men on the Givat Mordechai campus join the Israel Defense Forces before or after getting their degrees, while the haredi men - most of them with wives and children and no scientific, mathematics or English-language background - go straight from their yeshivot to a year of preparatory classes to matriculate and then to their studies, without IDF service."

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