JCT - Faculty Research Profile - 2017-2021

1 2017-2021 Jerusalem, October 2021 JCT Faculty Research Profile


3 Introduction It is my pleasure to present the JCT Faculty Research Profile for the years 2017-2021, in which you will find an overview of the numerous research accomplishments of over fifty faculty members at the Jerusalem College of Technology. These researchers are carrying out studies in the fields of mathematics, physics, computer science, computer and software engineering, telecommunications, electrical and electronic engineering, electro-optics, industrial engineering and management, bioinformatics, nursing, accounting and business administration. This volume contains over 520 scientific papers published in refereed journals, 250 papers in refereed conference proceedings, 60 book chapters and 37 patents. The JCT research staff have obtained numerous national and international research grants. In total, this volume contains a list of some 800 published scientific articles in the five-year period 2017-2021. JCT prepares its students - now numbering nearly 5,000 in fifteen departments offering both bachelors and masters degrees - for entry into Israel’s industrial and high technology communities as qualified professionals that are well trained in science and well versed in Jewish tradition and ethics. The listings that follow are a mere indication of the broad range of interests and depths of understanding of the JCT teaching staff. Finally, I wish to thank Mrs. Pnina Levy and Mrs. Karine Garibi for their editorial assistance in preparation of this volume. Professor Kenneth Hochberg Rector


5 Table of contents Table of contents 5 Research and Development at JCT 7 The Research Authority at JCT 8 Research Center for Optical Cardiovascular Diagnosis 9 Advanced Laboratory of Electro-Optics (ALEO) 9 Research Center for Medical Imaging 10 Micro/Nano Technology Center (MNTC) 11 Eye Tracking Lab 11 Research grants 12 Research in the Faculty of Engineering and 16 Computer Science 16 Prof. Arieli Yoel 17 Dr. Azoulay Rina 20 Dr. Bagno Eli 22 Dr. Bonchek-Dokow Elisheva 24 Prof. Bouhnik Dan 25 Prof. Caspi Avi 29 Prof. Dana-Picard Thierry (Noah) 31 Dr. David Marcelo Martin 35 Dr. Dreyfuss Michael 37 Dr. Eisenberg Estrella 40 Prof. Engelberg Shlomo 41 Prof. Friedman Yaakov 43 Dr. Gadot Rivka 45 Dr. Giat Yahel 47 Dr. Golan Shahar 50 Dr. Golovachev Yossef Itzhak 51 Prof. HaCohen-Kerner Yaakov 53 Prof. Haddad Yoram 57 Ms. Hirsh Tehila 60 Prof. Itin Yakov 61 Rav Dr. Karsenty Avi 62 Dr. Kauffmann David 66 Dr. Liebeskind Chaya 67 Dr. Nave Ophir 70 Dr. Noach Salman 72

6 Dr. Nowik Irit 75 Dr. Patron Amikam 76 Dr. Peretz Yossi 77 Dr. Reches Shulamit 79 Dr. Richardson Ariella 80 Prof. Rosenfeld Avi 82 Dr. Sagron Ruth 84 Dr. Scarr Tzvi 85 Dr. Shaki Yair Y. 86 Dr. Sigron Moriah 88 Dr. Socol Yehoshua 89 Dr. Stulman Ariel 91 Dr. Yeshua Talia 92 Research in Faculty of Life and Health Science 94 Dr. Aga-Mizrachi Shlomit 95 Dr. Amitay Moshe 98 Dr. Braitbard Ori 99 Prof. DeKeyser Ganz Freda 101 Dr. Finkelstein Adi 103 Dr. Genut Sara 105 Dr. Hoshen Moshe 106 Dr. Landsman Anna 110 Dr. Orr Zvika 112 Dr. Pinchas-Mizrachi Ronit 114 Dr. Raz Haya 116 Dr. Saad Odelyah 117 Mr. Spiegel Jacob 118 Dr. Spitz Ahuva 119 Dr. Steinberg Shivtia 120 Mrs. Yaacov-Vardi Oriya 121 Dr. Yehuda Yishai 122 Research in the Faculty of Management 123 Dr. Barak Ronen 124 Dr. Carmi Golan 125 Dr. Heifetz Eliyahu M. 127 Dr. Kay Avi 129 Dr. Levine Livia 131 Dr. Polin Brian A. 132

7 Research and Development at JCT Prof. Avi Caspi Since JCT’s establishment 50 years ago, research has been an integral component of the College’s credo. Today JCT is at the forefront of research and innovation both in Israel and abroad and boasts state-of-the art research laboratories. Committed to understanding and solving the challenges that face Israel and the world today, JCT’s outstanding research scholars are at the cutting edge of advancing science and technology. The College’s Faculty members are active participants of national and international conferences and make ongoing contributions to various research publications, conferences, books and professional journals. JCT promotes interdisciplinary and applied research between all faculties--Engineering, Computer Science, Life and Health Sciences, Management and the Mathematics Department. The College’s active “internal grant” program enables faculty members to receive seed funding to advance their research projects. Outstanding faculty members have received competitive grant awards from external foundations such as the Israel Science Foundation and the Israel Innovation Authority and have developed many original patents. The Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science conducts both theoretical and applied research in the leading areas of high technology. Moreover, it conducts leading research dedicated to solving medical challenges. Areas of research include improving the measurement of blood pressure and oxygen saturation, developing advanced image processing for medical images, advancing tools to diagnose various medical disorders, as well as medically oriented data mining, eye tracking technologies, language processing and analysis. There are currently several labs dedicated to research in these areas and have numerous faculty members and students actively working on various projects. JCT also operates an active laser laboratory and facilitates research related to nano-photonics and multi-photon microscopy. The Faculty of Management conducts research related to behavioral economics, cross-sectorial employment trends in the workplace and the effects of globalization. The Faculty of Life and Health Sciences operates ongoing research across a wide range of health-related issues. Topics include post-partum depression, the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on fertility, coping with chronic illness, ethical issues related to life cycle, developing tools to measure patient mobility, the importance of social support in the healing process and informal caregiving for dependent elderly, among others. The department also conducts research in the field of medical anthropology, with a focus on the experience of people with disabilities. The Mathematics Department facilitates research in pure and applied mathematics. Specializing in mathematical physics, JCT’s leading experts have made high-level contributions to the fields of general relativity, theoretical physics, elasticity theory, modern algebra, combinatorics, computer science, and applied mathematics. The department also conducts research related to mathematics in modern education.

8 The Research Authority at JCT Prof. Avi Caspi The objective of the Research Authority at JCT is to promote feasible scientific research, and to encourage the faculty to involve itself in research activity. The Research Authority engages in the following activities:  Determining the research potential and identifying suitable funding sources.  Assisting faculty members in finding possible partnerships within JCT.  Encouraging faculty members to submit new proposals to external funding sources.  Encouraging faculty members to involve JCT students in their research projects, within the frameworks of final projects and the Student Excellence Program.  Strengthening the connection between the Engineering and Management departments at the College.  Assisting in commercializing projects that have reached the stage of feasibility.  Reporting the academic achievements of faculty members, (annual publication lists).

9 Research Center for Optical Cardiovascular Diagnosis Professor Meir Nitzan R&D projects based on measurements and analysis of near infrared light transmitted through tissue, in order to develop innovative techniques for better clinical assessment of the cardiovascular system. The main projects are: 1. Accurate automatic measurement of systolic blood pressure, which is mainly important for hypertensive adults and hypotensive premature newborns. 2. Accurate measurement of oxygen saturation, which is mainly important for COVID-19 patients and premature newborns, treated by oxygen supplementation. 3. Assessment of perfusion to tissue, mainly important for management of foot disorders in diabetes. Advanced Laboratory of Electro-Optics (ALEO) Dr. Avi Karsenty https://www.aleo.solutions/ ALEO is part of the JCT Nanotechnology Research & Educational Center located on the Lev Campus, renewed and headed by Dr. Avi Karsenty. The complex of labs in the center include design, architecture, simulations, characterization and fabrication domains and activities (https://www.aleo.solutions/). ALEO's main purpose consists in the architecture, design, advanced simulations, characterization and testing of Silicon Photonics Devices and Modules, as well as Photonics Integrated Circuits (PIC). These silicon-based nanoscale smart electro-optics coupled devices, are developed towards their smooth integration in applications such as 1) optical communication in computers, 2) quantum computing, 3) space micro-gravity measurements, and 4) advanced instrumentation. The Team consists of 20 Electro-Optics students (PhD, MSc, BSc and participants of the Excellence program) and experienced collaborators working in parallel in industry (Rafael, Elbit, Elisra, Cielo, Lumus) and academia (HUJI, BIU, Technion). Together with the ALEO team, Dr. Karsenty develops smart silicon photonics devices (photoactivated detectors, thermo-activated detectors, sensors, light emitting transistors, enhanced capacitors, silicon waveguides, nano-pixels, nano-amplifiers, imagers, quantum-based structures, and more), and shares common research with famous institutes in the US (MIT, RIT, NIST, University of Rochester, AIM Photonics, Suny Polytechnic Institute), Europe (Grenoble INP Phelma, CSIC, INL), Israel (BIU, HUJI) and with Industrial Partners (Nanonics, Accubeat). During the last 6 years, the team published over 70 articles in top journals, and actively participated in Photonics International Conferences and in Invited Seminars.

10 Research Center for Medical Imaging Prof. Isaac Leichter and Dr. Talya Yeshua The center applies computerized processing of medical images, obtained by various imaging techniques, for the early diagnosis of medical pathologies. All studies are performed in collaboration with physicians in medical centers. The following are examples of research topics conducted in the Center:  Urology - Diagnosis of partial obstruction of the upper urinary tract by computerized processing fluoroscopic images of the kidney.  Orthopedics - Assessing bone strength and the risk of osteoporotic fractures by processing digital radiographs of the proximal femur.  Hematology - Diagnosis of in-stent restenosis and calculating the obstruction severity by spectral analysis of CT images obtained by Dual Energy CT devices  Neurology - Accurate separation of gray matter and white matter tissues in the brain for the early diagnosis of stroke by spectral analysis of CT images at different energies, obtained by Spectral-Detector CT.  Mammography – Automatic calculation of breast composition, to assess the risk of malignant tumors.  Dentistry – Developing a deep learning algorithm for the detection and 3D segmentation of maxillofacial bone lesions in Conical Beam CT (CBCT) of various protocols.  Airways radiology – Automatic estimation of volume and airflow in the upper respiratory tract in children using Computerized Tomography (CT) scans.  Urology - Automatic 3D kidney reconstruction in Multi-phase Urology CT (CTU) using various approaches for segmenting the kidney and the renal pelvis.  Urology- Diagnosing renal obstruction by automatic analysis of changes in contrast material concentration in various CT urographic phases

11 Micro/Nano Technology Center (MNTC) Prof. Michael Manevich 1. Research and Development Labs: MNTC consists of jointly operating Active Micro-Optics Lab, Micro-Nano-Structures Lab, Liquid Crystal Chemistry Lab, Micromechanics and Electronics Lab, Micro/Nano-Characterization Lab. 2. Current Research and Development Projects: 2.1. Ultra-fast adaptive optical elements based on stressed liquid crystals, funded by the NATO ESC Division, 2015–2018, Project Co-Directors: Prof. J. West, KSU, USA; Prof. M. Manevich, LAC, Israel; Prof. V. Nazarenko, IOP, Ukraine. 2.2. Development of Micro-structures and Technologies for Ultrafast Dynamic Beam Shaper, funded by the Israeli Ministry of Industry, Magnet Program, ALTIA Consortium, 2016– 2021, Principal Investigator: Prof. M. Manevich. 2.3. Research and Development of Fast Switching Smart Window Model Based on Liquid Crystal Material, funded by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, State of Israel, 2017–2020, Principal Investigator: Prof. M. Manevich. 2.4. Development of Microstructure for Smart Window Model Based on Active Electrooptical Material, JCT R&D Grant, Israel, 2018–2019, Principal Investigator: Prof. M. Manevich. 4. Completed R&D Projects: The MNTC scientists have successfully completed 21 R&D Projects over the past 9 years. 4. Publications and Patents: The MNTC scientists have more than 160 publications and 22 patents. Eye Tracking Lab Prof. Avi Caspi We continuously make decisions where to look next. The brain continuously decides where to move the eyes in order to keep an object of interest in the center of the visual field. Despite the motion of the image sensor - our eyes - our visual interpretation of the world is uninterrupted. The brain makes coordinate transformations in real time so that we have a stable representation of the world. Research in the eye-tracking lab at JCT is focused on eye movement research on patients with low vision and on blind patients with implanted visual prosthesis. The research has demonstrated that the brain makes continuous coordinate transformations in blind patients when a visual prosthesis is used. Better understanding of the image transformation in the brain will help with the development of visual aids for the low

12 Research grants




16 Research in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science Prof. Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner, Dean The faculty of engineering and computer science at JCT offers B.Sc. degrees in physics/electro-optics engineering, electrical and electronics engineering, industrial engineering and management, computer science, software engineering, and communications systems engineering. It also offers M.Sc. degrees in physics/electrooptics engineering and in Data Mining as well as two additional M.Sc. programs wending their way through the Council for Higher Education’s approval process. The faculty members of the school of engineering and computer science are actively involved in research. Several researchers perform research that requires a pen, paper and a computer. Several researchers require powerful computers/servers and suitable programmers. Several researchers require lab facilities. The school of engineering and computer science has many labs – from an RF (radio frequency) lab to a clean room facility, from a bio-medical optics lab to a laser lab, and from an eye movement lab to a microfluidics lab. The faculty members have active collaborations with faculty members from the Hebrew University, Bar Ilan University, Ben Gurion University, Ariel University, Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center, Johns Hopkins University, and many other institutions of higher education in Israel and abroad. We also have ongoing projects with industry – including the Administration for the Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure, Maf’at. Currently, our faculty members have received grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Israel Science Foundation, the Ministry of Energy, the Israel Innovation Authority, the DFG and the Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection. Our researchers also publish extensively in refereed journals and conference proceedings, as is detailed in these listings.

17 Prof. Arieli Yoel Telephone: 02-6751130 Cell phone: 054-5614061 Email: Arieli.yoel@gmail.com Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=yoel+arieli&oq Field of research: Optical measurements, Spectroscopy, Optical Coherence Tomography, Light field. My current research is focused on development of a "Full field" Optical Coherence Tomography for tear film measurements, development of a high-resolution 3D display without the need for special glasses and developing a high-resolution optical sensor for Intraocular Pressure. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Journals 1. Avi Karsenty, Eitan Novoselski, Ariel Yifrach, Emmanuel Lanzmann and Yoel Arieli, Manipulations of Wavefront Propagation: Useful Methods and Applications for Interferometric Measurements and Scanning, Scanning, 2017, Article ID 7293905, https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/7293905, 2017. Rank: Q3. 2. Boaz Arnon, Kahana Oria, Yoel Arieli, Correction of the angular emissivity of human skin for clinical thermal imaging, Imaging in Medicine, http://www.openaccessjournals.com/articles/correction-of-the-angular-emissivityofhuman-skin-for-clinical-thermal-imaging-12158.html, 2017. 3. Avi Karsenty, Shmuel Feldman, Zvi Veig and Yoel Arieli, Full Field Imaging Ellipsometry (FFIE) Platform Using CCD Camera and Advanced Software for Simultaneous Spots' Sensing and Measurement, International Journal of Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering (IJMTIE), 6, 1, 2017. https://www.igi-global.com/article/full-field-imaging-ellipsometry-ffie-platformusing-ccd-camera-and-advanced-software-for-simultaneous-spots-sensing-andmeasurement/197749. 4. Avi Karsenty, Yaron Lichtenstadt, Sagi Naeim and Yoel Arieli, Improving Interferometry Instrumentation by Mixing Stereoscopy for 2π Ambiguity Solving, International Journal of Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering (IJMTIE), 6, 2, 2017. https://www.igi-global.com/article/improvinginterferometry-instrumentation-by-mixing-stereoscopy-for-2-ambiguitysolving/202345. 5. Yoel Arieli, Shlomi Epshtein, Alon Harris, Igor Yaacubov, Yoel Cohen, Full field tomography using interference fringes casting of a non spatially-coherent extended spectrally modulated broadband light source, Opt. Comm., 407, pp 426-431, 2018. IF: 1.588. Rank: Q1. 6. Yishay Weill, Koby Brosh, Tamar Levi Vineberg, Yoel Arieli, Avi Caspi, Michael J Potter, David Zadok, Joel Hanhart, “Enhanced depth imaging in swept-source optical coherence tomography: Improving visibility of choroid and sclera, a masked study”, European Journal of Ophthalmology (2019). https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1120672119863560. IF: 0.81, Rank: Q2.

18 7. Yoel Cohen, Shlomi Epshtein, Alon Harris, Raanan Gefen, Lawrence Kagemann, and Yoel Arieli, Tear film imager for dynamic mapping of the human tear film, Appl. Opt. 58 (29), 7987-7995 (2019). IF: 1.63, Rank: Q1. 8. Galor Anat, Cohen Yoel, Arieli Yoel, Epshtin Shlomi, Gefen Raanan, Harris Alon, Blink dynamics in healthy vs dry eye subjects as assessed by novel device, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (2019); 60(9):6769. IF: 3.427. Rank: Q1. 9. Raanan Gefen, Segev Fani, Geffen Noa, Galor Anat, Cohen Yoel, Arieli Yoel, Epshtin Shlomi, Harris Alon, A new hyperspectral imaging method to evaluate dry eye disease – 3D-WLT study results, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (2019); 60(9):6780. IF: 3.427. Rank: Q1. 10. Cohen Yoel, Trokel Stephen, Arieli Yoel, Epshtien Shlomi, Gefen Raanan, Harris Alon, Mapping the Lipid Layer of the Human Tear Film, Cornea (2020). https://journals.lww.com/corneajrnl/Abstract/publishahead/Mapping_the_Lipid_La yer_of_the_Human_Tear_Film.96398.aspx. IF: 2.464., Rank: Q1. 11. Fani Segev, Michael Balkin, Noa Tal, Anat Galor, Yoel Cohen, Raanan Gefen, Yoel Arieli, Shlomi Epshtein, Anat Oren, Alon Haris, Dynamic assessment of the Tear Film Muco-Aqueous and Lipid Layers Using a Novel Tear Film Imager (TFI), British Journal of Ophthalmology (2020). https://bjo.bmj.com/content/early/2019/04/17/bjophthalmol-2018-313379. IF: 3.384, Rank: Q1. 12. Meir Nitzan, Itamar Nitzan and Yoel Arieli, The Various Oximetric Techniques Used for the Evaluation of Blood Oxygenation, Sensors 2020, 20, 4844; doi: 10.3390/s20174844, IF: 3.78, Rank: Q1. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings 1. (*)F. Segev, N. Geffen, A. Galor, Y. Cohen, R. Gefen, A. Belkin, Y. Arieli, S. Epshtein, A. Oren, A. Haris, Dynamic Assessment of the Tear Film MucoAqueous and Lipid Layers Using a Novel Tear Film Imager (TFI), Ocular Microbiology and Immunology Group, Chicago, Illinois, October 26, 2018. 2. (*)David Zadok, Yoel Cohen, Alon Harris, Raanan Gefen, Yoel Arieli, A Novel Imaging Method to Evaluate Tear Film, The ASCRS Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, May 3, 2019. https://ascrs.confex.com/ascrs/19am/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/57495. Patents 1. Yoel Arieli, Yosef Weitzman, System for Performing Dual Path, TwoDimensional Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) - US9696134. 2. Arnon Israel Boaz, Arieli Yoel, Method Apparatus and System for Analyzing Images - US9710900 and IL206663. 3. Arieli Yoel, Cohen Yoel, Epstein Shlomi, Arbel Dror, System and Method for Performing Tear Film Structure Measurement and Evaporation Rate Measurement - US9757027. 4. Arieli Yoel, Cohen Yoel, Epstein Shlomi, Arbel Dror, Raanan Gefen, System and Method for Performing Tear Film Structure Measurement - US9833139 and EP3113668. 5. Barak Freedman, Alexander Shpunt, Meir Machlin, Yoel Arieli, Pattern projection using micro-lenses – US9885459.

19 6. Yoel Arieli, Haim Engler, Amir Erlichman, Adhesive Optical Film to Convert an Eyeglass Lens to a Progressive Lens – US9995948. 7. Eyal Naimi, Israel Boaz Arnon, Yoel Ariely (Arieli), Surface Simulation - GB2517720. 8. Yoel Arieli, Yoel Cohen, System for Analyzing Optical Properties of an Object – US10024650. 9. Yoel Arieli, Yoel Cohen, Interferometric Ellipsometry and Method Using Conical Refraction – US10024783 and EP 3097401 B1. 10. Yoel Arieli, Yoel Cohen, Method for Analyzing an Object Using a Combination of Long and Short Coherence Interferometry – US10054419. 11. Yoel Arieli, Yoel Cohen, System for Tomography and/or Topography Measurements of a Layered Objects – US10054429. 12. Eyal Naimi, Israel Boaz Arnon, Yoel Ariely (Arieli), Surface Simulation - GB2551594. 13. Arieli Yoel, Wolfling Shay, Banitt David, Weitzman Yosi, Saban Yoram, Lanzmann Emmanuel, Levavi Shay, Improved Spatial Wavefront Analysis and 3d Measurement - EP1476715. 14. Yoel Arieli, Yoel Cohen, Interferometric Ellipsometry and Method Using Conical Refraction – US10119903. 15. Yoel Arieli, Yosef Weitzman, Spectral Imaging Camera and Applications - US10274371. 16. Yoel Arieli, Yosef Weitzman, System for Performing Dual Path, TwoDimensional Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) - US10288407 and EP 2880397 B1. 17. Arnon Israel Boaz, Arieli Yoel, Method Apparatus and System for Analyzing Images - US10299686 and IL208274. 18. Yoel Arieli, Yoel Cohen, System for Analyzing Optical Properties of an Object – US10330462. 19. Yoel Arieli, Yoel Cohen, Method for Analyzing an Object - US 10415954 B2. 20. Yoel Arieli, Yoel Cohen, Apparatus and Method for Detecting Surface Topography - US10456029. 21. Barak Freedman, Alexander Shpunt, Meir Machlin, Yoel Arieli, Pattern projection using micro-lenses – US 10514148 B2. 22. Yoel Arieli, Yoel Cohen, Apparatus And Methods For Performing Tomography and/or Topography Measurements On An Object - US 10612913 B2. 23. Yoel Arieli, Haim Engler, Amir Erlichman, Adhesive Optical Film to Convert an Eyeglass Lens to a Progressive Lens – US 10712591 B2.

20 Dr. Azoulay Rina Telephone: 02-6506976 Cell phone: 054-8412657 Email: rrinaa@gmail.com Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.il/citations?user=vpWgBX8AAAAJ&hl=iw My research deals with practical applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning, in various domains, including education systems, auctions, and communication networks. Books, Book Sections 1. R. Azoulay, E. David, M. Avigal and D. Hutzler, Adaptive Task Selection in Automated Educational Software: A Comparative Study, In Intelligent Systems and Learning Data Analytics in Online Education, Elsevier, 2021. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Journals 1. R. Azoulay and S. Reches, Flocks Formation Model for Self-Interested UAV, accepted to Intelligent Service Robotics 14 (2), 2021. P.157-174. IF: 1.547. Rank: Q1. 2. R. Azoulay, E. David, M. Avigal, and D. Hutzler, The impact of learning software on improving reading comprehension skills, International Journal of e-Education, eBusiness, e-Management and e-Learning, Number 3 Volume 10 Number 3, 2020. 3. O. Rozenblit, Y. Haddad, Y. Mirsky, R. Azoulay, Machine Learning Methods for SIR Prediction in Cellular Networks, Physical Communciation, 2018. 4. R. Azoulay and E. David, 2017, Auction Mechanisms for Preference Driven Ad Exchanges, Multiagent and Grid Systems 13 (3), 203-236, 2017. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings 1. R. Azoulay, K. Danilchenko, Y. Haddad and S. Reches, Transmit Power Control by Deep Neural Network in TDMA-based AD-HOC clusters, IWCMC 2021. 2. M. Allouch, A. Azaria and R. Azoulay, Detecting sentences that may be harmful to children with special needs, ICTAI 2019. 3. R. Azoulay and S. Reches, UAV Flocks Forming for Crowded Flight Environments, ICAART 2019. 4. Y. Mirsky, Y. Haddad, O. Rozenblit and R. Azoulay, Predicting Wireless Coverage Maps Using Radial Basis Networks, CCNC 2018. 5. R. Azoulay and E. David, Ad Placement Mechanism for Public Displays of Private Owners, ICSEE 2018. 6. M. Allouch, A. Azaria, R. Azoulay, E. Ben-Izchak, M. Zwilling and D. A. Zachor, Automatic Detecting of Insulting Sentences in Conversation, ICSEE 2018.

21 Patents 1. Yisroel A. Mirsky, Yoram Haddad, Orit Rozenblit, Rina Azoulay, Predicting Wireless Coverage Maps Using Radial Basis Networks, May 2018, USPTO provisional 62/665,552. 2. Rina Azoulay, Yoram Haddad, Orit Rozenblit, Machine Learning Methods for SIR Prediction in Cellular Networks, July 2018, USPTO provisional 62/701,774.

22 Dr. Bagno Eli Telephone: 02-6751020 Cell phone: 054-4541627 Email: bagnoe@g.jct.ac.il Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.il/scholar?hl=iw&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=Eli+Bagno&btnG=&oq= Research Interests My research interests are in the field of enumerative and algebraic combinatorics. Much of my scientific work during the past years has been on bijective combinatorics, generating functions and permutation statistics. Research Objectives Primarily, I am interested in the study of permutations. This includes inter alia investigating permutation statistics over various classes of permutation groups, and exploring the structure of permutations of certain types. I am also interested in producing bijective proofs of algebraic identities. I have contributed several results on the topic of permutation statistics over the groups of coloured permutations. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Journals 1. R. M. Adin, R.M., E. Bagno, E. & Roichman, Block decomposition of permutations and Schur-positivity , J Algebr Comb (2018) 47:603–622, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10801-017-0788-9 Y. J Algebr Comb (2017). 2. R. M. Adin, E. Bagno, S. Reches, E. Eisenberg and M. Sigron, On two-sided gammapositivity for simple permutations, the electronic journal of combinatorics 25(2) (2018), #P2.38 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37236/7472 . 3. E. Bagno, R. Biagioli and D. Garber, Some identities involving second kind Stirling numbers of types B and D. The electronic journal of combinatorics, 26(3) (2019), #P3.9 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37236/8703 4. E. Bagno, S. Reches, E. Eisenberg and M. Sigron, on the poset of non-attacking king permutations. European Journal of Combinatorics. Vol. 87, June 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejc.2020.103119. 5. Eli Bagno, Estrella Eisenberg, Shulamit Reches, and Moriah Sigron, On the sparseness of the downsets of permutations via their number of separators, ECA 1:3 (2021) Article S2R21. arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.12364 . 6. E. Bagno, R. Biagioli, F. Juhet and Y. Roichman, Block decomposition and Schur positivity of fully commutative elements in B_n, (to be published European Journal of Combinatorics). 7. E. Bagno, M. Novick and D. Garber, Worpitzky identity for Coxeter groups of types B and D. (to be published in Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics). 8. Signed partitions-a ‘balls into urns’ approach". (To be published in journal Bulletin Mathematique de Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumanie).

23 Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings 1. E. Bagno and M. Novick, A length function for the complex reflection group. Giving a lecture in THE 78th SÉMINAIRE LOTHARINGIEN DE COMBINATOIRE, France, 2017. 2. R. M. Adin, E. Bagno. and Y. Roichman, Block decomposition of permutations and Schur positivity. Presented as a poster in. 2017’ Formal Power Series & Algebraic Combinatorics Conference. London, 2017. 3. R. M. Adin, E. Bagno and Y. Roichman, Block decomposition of permutations and Schur positivity. A lecture in Permutation patterns 2017, Iceland. 4. E. Bagno, R. Biagioli and D. Garber, Some identities of second kind Stirling numbers of types B and D. A lecture in Gascom 2018, Athens. 2018. 5. R. M. Adin, E. Bagno and Y. Roichman, Block decomposition of permutations and Schur positivity. A lecture in the combinatorics and number theory seminar, Lyon 1, France. 2018. 6. E. Bagno, E. Eisenberg, S. Reches and M. Sigron, on the poset of king-non-attacking permutations, a lecture in the combinatorics seminar, Haifa University. 2019. 7. E. Bagno, R. Biagioli and D. Garber, Some identities of second kind Stirling numbers of types B and D, Presented as a poster in. 2019’ Formal Power Series & Algebraic Combinatorics Conference. Lubliana, 2019. 8. E. Bagno, E. Eisenberg, S. Reches and M. Sigron, Counting king permutations on the cylinder. Presented as a poster in 2020' Permutation patterns.

24 Dr. Bonchek-Dokow Elisheva Cell phone: 0547848277 Email: ebonchek@g.jct.ac.il Website: Elisheva Bonchek-Dokow Google Scholar: Elisheva Bonchek-Dokow Research area: Machine Learning, applications to social media Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Journals 1. Menachem Domb, Elisheva Bonchek-Dokow, Guy Leshem, “Lightweight Adaptive Random-Forest for IoT Rule Generation and Execution”, Journal of Information Security and Applications, 2017. IF: 0.537 Rank: Q2. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings 1. Jonathan Schler, Elisheva Bonchek-Dokow, Tomer Vainstein, Moshe Gotam, Mike Teplitsky, "Utilizing Natural Honeypots for Efficiently Labeling Astroturfer Profiles", Proceedings of the EKAW 2020 Posters and Demonstrations Session, 22nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, 2020, poster. 2. Jonathan Schler, Elisheva Bonchek-Dokow, Tomer Vainstein, Moshe Gotam, Mike Teplitsky, "Profiling Astroturfing Facebook Users During Three Contiguous Israeli Election Periods", Proceedings of the DEVIANCE 2020 Workshop on Deviant Activities on Social Media, IEEE BigData, 2020.

25 Prof. Bouhnik Dan Telephone: 02-6751010 Cell phone: 0506800906 Email: bouhnik@jct.ac.il Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.il/scholar?hl=iw&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=dan+bouhnik&oq= My research focuses on the connection between the worlds of computer technology, information, information security, knowledge management and education. I have always perceived myself as a mediator amid disciplines and as boundary eliminator between overlapping areas of interest. My background in computer science has placed me in a position of knowledge and understanding of its technology, processes and components. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Journals 1. D. Bouhnik, N, Reich and N. Aharony. Willingness to information security as a function of personality characteristics and threat assessment among adolescents. Online Information Review, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (2021),IF=1.805, Rank=Q1 2. Y. Giat, D. Bouhnik, A Decision Support System for Pricing and Minimizing Product Return. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge' and Management (IJIKM). Vol 16, 039-054. (2021). IF=0.8, Rank= Q3 3. M. Nakash, D. Bouhnik. Knowledge management is not dead. It has changed its appearance. And it will continue to change. Knowledge and process management, Vol. 28 No. 1. https://doi.org/10.1002/kpm.1655 (2020). IF=0.8, Rank= Q2 4. M. Nakash, D. Bouhnik. Risks in the absence of optimal knowledge management in knowledge-intensive organizations, VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1108/VJIKMS-05-2020-0081 IF=0.8, Rank= Q2 5. M. Weinberger, D. Bouhnik. Various information aspects following the emergence of music streaming applications, Online Information Review, Vol.45, No 1, 118-137. (2020),IF=1.805, Rank=Q1 6. N. Aharony, D. Bouhnik, and N. Reich. (2020), Readiness for information security of teachers as a function of their personality traits and their assessment of threats, Aslib Journal of Information Management, Vol. 72, No 5, pp 787-812, Rank=Q1 7. G. Carmi, D. Bouhnik. The Effect of Rational Based Beliefs and Awareness on Employee Compliance with Information Security Procedures: A Case Study of a Financial Corporation in Israel. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge; and Management. Vol 15, 109-125. (2020) Rank= Q3

26 8. D. Mughaz, M. Cohen, S. Mejahez, T. Ades and D. Bouhnik. From an Artificial Neural Network to Teaching. Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning, Vol 16, 1-17. (2020) 9. M. Weinberger, D. Bouhnik. The Strive for Preserving Online Anonymity as a Trigger for Online Identity Falsification. Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 7(2), 22-24. (2019), Rank=Q3 10. M. Weinberger, D. Bouhnik. Place determinants for the personalization-privacy tradeoff among students. Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning, 15, 79-95. (2018). 11. D. Bouhnik, G. Carmi. Interface Application Comprehensive Analysis of Ghostery. International Journal of Computer Systems (IJCS). 5(3), 4-10. (2018) 12. M. Weinberger, M. Zhitomirsky-Geffet, D. Bouhnik. Factors affecting users' online privacy literacy among students in Israel. Online Information Review. Vol. 41 Issue: 5, pp.655-671. (2017). IF=1.91, Rank=Q1 13. M. Weinberger, M. Zhitomirsky-Geffet, D. Bouhnik. Sex differences in attitudes towards online privacy and anonymity among Israeli students with different technical backgrounds. Information Research, 22(4), paper 777. (2017). IF=0.84, Rank= Q2 14. D. Bouhnik, Y. Giat, and I. Zarruk. (2017). The informing needs of procurement officers in Israel. Informing Science. The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 20, 149-165. (H Index 10) 15. M. Weinberger, D. Bouhnik, M. Zhitomirsky-Geffet. Factors affecting students' privacy paradox and privacy protection behavior. Open Information Science. 1(1), 1– 18. (2017). Retrieved 1 Jul. 2017, from doi:10.1515/opis-2017-0001 16. D. Bouhnik, Y. Giat and I. Zarruk. Supplier Selection and Assessment by University Procurement Officers, International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (IJISSCM), Vol. 10, Issue 1, (2017).Rank=Q3. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings 1. D. Bouhnik, Y.Giat. Information Needs for Procurement Officers in Israel. InSITE 2017: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. August 2017. 2. D. Bouhnik Predictors of Online Privacy Paradox Behavior among Students. Poster. IConference 2017: Wuhan, China. 2017. 3. D. Bouhnik, L.Abrahas, O.Madar. Optimal ULD Treatment Algorithm as a Function of the Number of ULD, AWB and System Constraints. ACM DL. 3rd International Conference on Information Management and Data Mining (ICISDM 2017). South Africa, February 2017. 4. D. Bouhnik, A.Admoni. The Stranger: Infiltration Techniques of Trojan Horse in his First Decade (1972-1983). CCVPR 2018: International Joint Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Wellington, New Zealand, December 2018. 5. D. Bouhnik, G.Prebor, M. Zitomirsky-Gefet. DH2018: Digital Humanities: Mexico City, June 2018. A New Methodology for Error Detection and Data Completion in a Large Historical Catalogue Based on an Event Ontology and Network Analysis.

27 6. D. Bouhnik InSITE 2018: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: La Verne, California, USA, June 2018. The personalization-privacy tradeoff among students. 7. D. Mughaz, D. Bouhnik. Automatic Opinion Extraction from Short Hebrew Texts using Machine Learning techniques. CICLing-2018: International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Test Processing: Hanoi, Vietnam.Poster + short oral talk. 8. D. Bouhnik, E. Margalit. Exegetical response Websites in the Religious-Nationalist Sector: Changes and Trends. Information, Society and industry 3th Annual Conference, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 2018. 9. D. Bouhnik, M.Weinberger. Factors s Affecting Students' Personalization vs. Privacy Decisions. 9th International Conference on Society and Information Technologies (ICSIT 2018): Orlando, USA, March 2018. 10. S. Golan, D. Bouhnik. MaDaScA: Instruction of Data Science to Managers. InSITE 2019: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: Jerusalem; Israel, June 2019. 11. D. Bouhnik, M. Weinberger. Usage Habits in Music Streaming Applications and Their Influence on Privacy Related Issues. InSITE 2019: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: Jerusalem; Israel, June 2019. 12. D. Bouhnik, G. Carmi. The Effect of Rational Based Beliefs and Awareness on Employee Compliance with Information Security Procedures: Case Study of a Financial Firm. InSITE 2019: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: Jerusalem; Israel, June 2019. 13. D. Bouhnik.Personal information management: Usage habits in streaming. iConference, Washington, D. C., April 2019. 14. D. Bouhnik, The Strive for preserving online anonymity as a trigger for online identity falsification. Society and Information Technologies (ICSIT '2019), Orlando, FL. March 2019. 15. D. Bouhnik. Expert System for Ischemic Heart Disease Diagnostics. Technology, Knowledge & Society, Barcelona, Spain. March 2019. 16. D. Bouhnik, K. Maman. The Tourism Perspective of Israelis' Information Searching Behavio". 5th World Research Summit for Hospitality and Tourism (TOUR 2019, Elsevier): Orlando, USA, December 2019. 17. D. Bouhnik. Big Data and Law Enforcement - UK as a case study. ICABMIT: The IIER International Conference, New York, July 2019. 18. D. Bouhnik InSITE 2020: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: Jerusalem; Cambodian (Virtual), July 2020. The Emergence of Music Streaming Applications and Its Effect on Changes in Personal Information Management and Privacy Related Issues. 19. D. Bouhnik InSITE 2020: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: Jerusalem; Cambodian (Virtual), July 2020. A Decision Support System for Pricing and Minimizing Product Returns. 20. D. Bouhnik InSITE 2020: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: Jerusalem; Cambodian (Virtual), July 2020. From an Artificial Neural Network to Teaching. 21. D. Bouhnik; A.Admoni. He is Indeed a Horse - The Emergence of Trojan Horse Phenomenon in the Scientific and Legal Societies. The 3rd International Conference

28 on Information Science and Systems (ICISS 2020), Cambridge, England, (Virtual), March 2020. 22. D. Bouhnik, E. Margalit. And the whole earth was of one language and of one. The 3rd International Conference on Information Science and Systems (ICISS 2020), Cambridge, England, (Virtual), March 2020. 23. D. Bouhnik, M. Weinberger. Developing a system for efficient item acquisition process in operating rooms. The 3rd International Conference on Information Science and Systems (ICISS 2020), Cambridge, England, (Virtual), March 2020. 24. D. Bouhnik, The challenges and solutions of information security and privacy issues within enterprise systems at the age of big data. Society and Information Technologies (ICSIT '2020), Orlando, FL. (Virtual), March 2020 25. D. Bouhnik, Academic and demographic characteristics as predictors of scholarly productivity in the Israeli academia. 26. D. Bouhnik. Challenges and solutions for information security threats in hospitals. Technology, Knowledge & Society 2021. Poster, (Virtual), April 2021. 27. D. Bouhnik Technology, Knowledge & Society 2021. The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Organizational Knowledge Management Proposal for Exploratory Research. (Virtual), April 2021

29 Prof. Caspi Avi Telephone: 02-6751291 Email: avi.caspi@jct,ac.il Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.il/citations?user=Y8U8CQIAAAAJ&hl=en Understanding spatial coordinate mapping in blind patients implanted with a visual prosthesis. Improving the functionality of visual implants by integrating an eye tracking and augmented realty technologies. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Journals 1. A. Caspi, A. Roy, J.D. Dorn, R.J. Greenberg. Retinotopic to Spatiotopic Mapping in Blind Patients Implanted With the Argus II Retinal Prosthesis, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 58, 119-127 (2017). 2. A. Caspi, A. Roy, V. Wuyyuru, P.E. Rosendall, J.W .Harper, K.D. Katyal, M.P. Barry, G. Dagnelie, R.J. Greenberg. Eye movement control in Argus II retinalprosthesis enables reduced head movement and better localization precision, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59, 792-802 (2018). 3. Y. He; N.T. Huang; A. Caspi; A. Roy; S.R. Montezuma. Trade-Off between Fieldof-View and Resolution in the Thermal-Integrated Argus II System. Translational Vision Science & Technology, 8:4, article 29 (2019). 4. S.R. Montezuma, S.Y. Sun, A. Roy, A. Caspi, J.D Dorn, Y. He. Improved localisation and discrimination of heat emitting household objects with the artificial vision therapy system by integration with thermal sensor. British Journal of Ophthalmology, Epub before print 2019. 5. L. Gantz and A. Caspi. Synchronization of a Removable Optical Element with an Eye Tracker: Test Case for Heterophoria Measurement, Translational Vision Science & Technology, 9:7, article 40 (2020). 6. S.R. Montezuma, S.Y. Sun, A. Roy, A. Caspi, J.D Dorn, Y. He. Improved mobility performance with an artificial vision therapy system using a thermal sensor. Journal of Neural Engineering 17:4, paper 045013 (2020). 7. A. Kartha; R. Sadeghi; M.P. Barry; C. Bradley; P. Gibson; A. Caspi; Arup Roy; G. Dagnelie, Prosthetic Visual Performance Using a Disparity-Based DistanceFiltering System. Translational Vision Science & Technology, 9:12, article 27 (2020). 8. R. Sadeghi, A. Kartha, M.P. Barry, C. Bradley, P. Gibson, A. Caspi, A. Roy, G. Dagnelie. Glow in the dark: Using a heat-sensitive camera for blind individuals with prosthetic vision. Vision Research 184, 23-29 (2021). 9. A. Caspi, M.P. Barry, U.K. Patel, M.A. Salas, J.D. Dorn, A. Roy, S. Niketeghad, R.J. Greenberg, N. Pouratian. Eye movements and the perceived location of phosphenes generated by intracranial primary visual cortex stimulation in the blind. Brain Stimulation 14, 851-860 (2021). Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings 1. Caspi, P. Rosendall, J. Harper, M. Barry, K. Katyal, G. Dagnelie, A. Roy. Combined Eye-Head vs. Head-Only Scanning in a Blind Patient Implanted with the Argus II Retinal Prosthesis. IEEE EMBS Neural Eng, Shanghai, China (2017).

30 2. A. Caspi, A. Roy, M.P. Barry, R. Sadeghi, A. Kartha, G. Dagnelie, The use of handheld marker to calibrate a field-programmable gate array based eye tracker for artificial vision system. 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Montreal – Virtual (2020).

31 Prof. Dana-Picard Thierry (Noah) Telephone: 02-6751056 Cell phone: 0526071485 Email: ndp@jct.ac.il Website: www.jct.ac.il/cemj Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.il/citations?user=Rg1_gmEAAAAJ&hl=en Website: http://www.jct.ac.il/cemj - http://www.jct.ac.il/en/dana-picard Web of Science ResearcherID: AAM-7930-2020 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Thierry_Dana-Picard https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1777-3232 https://search.crossref.org/?q=dana-picard&from_ui=yes https://scholar.google.co.il/citations?hl=en&user=Rg1_gmEAAAAJ https://www.scibey.com/search/articles/all?q=Thierry%20dana-picard#!#ptop Research fields: 1. Automated methods for the exploration of plane algebraic curves and algebraic surfaces (envelopes, offsets, isoptics) 2. Mathematics Education in a technology rich environment 3. Earth observation (satellite images, remote sensing) 4. Torah and Science Books, Book Sections All these publications have been peer-reviewed 1. Th. Dana-Picard and G. Morali (edts) (2017): לדעת בארץ דרכך, Essays on Torah and Science, JCT, Jerusalem and Bet-El Library, Bet-El. 480 pages. My chapters:  ארנבות, יופי וחסד – על מתמטיקה ואסתטיקה: היד הנעלמה בטבע (Rabbits, beauty and kindness – on mathematics and aesthetics: the hand hidden in nature), 69-96. Cite: 2.  המבנה הפרטאלי של הזמן (the fractal structure of time), 137-158.  תשא עיניך השמימה וראית – מבוא לפרקים על אסטרונומיה (raise your eyes towards the Heavens – Introduction to chapters on astronomy), 219-228.  ליקויי חמה וליקויי מאורות (eclipses), 229-248.  והיה העקוב למישור – מבט אמוני על עקומות וישרים (And the rugged shall be made level – a "emunah" point of view on curves and straight lines), 249-268. 2. Thierry (Noah) Dana-Picard and Sara Hershkovitz (2018). Mathematical Education in Israeli Religious High Schools. In: Movshovitz-Hadar, N. (Ed).K-12 Mathematics Education in Israel - Issues and Challenges, Chapter 5. Series on Mathematics Education: Volume 13, World Scientific Publication, Singapore. ISBN: 978-9813231-18-4. 3. Th. Dana-Picard and G. Morali (edts) (2020): ב' לדעת בארץ דרכך, Essays on Torah and Science, JCT, Jerusalem and Bet-El Library, Bet-El. 416 pages. The papers have been peer-reviewed.

32 My chapters:  Th. Dana-Picard: On Mathematics, Visual and auditive Aesthetics: the hand hidden in nature II ( אסתטיק ה ויזו אלית ואסתטיקה שמעית – היד הנעל ה בטבע ), 124-160.  Th. Dana-Picard and Y. Klein: The Shape of the minimal Mikveh ( צורת המקוה המינימלי ), 287-302.  Th. Dana-Picard and S. Hershkovitz: Geometrical and Numerical Aspects of Jewish Monuments in Mathematics Education: studies within a Dynamical Geometry environment ( היבטים גאומטריים) ומספרים באתרים יהודיים וחינוך מתמטי: חקירה באמצעות סביבה גאומרטית אינטראקטיבית , 378-415. 4. S. Hershkovitz and Th. Dana-Picard (2021): Problem Solving, Problem Posing & Enhancing Creativity, to appear in (J. Novotná, B. Kaur, B. Doig, edts) Insights from SEMT: Learning from 30 years of Symposia on Elementary Mathematics Teaching, Singapore. 5. Th. Dana-Picard and Z. Kovács (2021): Experimental study of isoptics of a plane curve using dynamical coloring, to appear in (P. Richard, M.P. Velez and S. van Vaerenbergh, edts) Mathematics Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics Education in the Digital Era Series, Springer, 261-280. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Journals 1. Th. Dana-Picard and D. Zeitoun (2017): Exploration of Parametric Integrals related to a Question of Soil Mechanics, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 48 (4), 617-630. Referenced in the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences). Cite: 5. IF: 0.648. Q-index: Q2 2. Th. Dana-Picard and N. Zehavi (2017): Automated Study of Envelopes transition from 1-parameter to 2-parameter families of surfaces, The Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology 11 (3), 147-160. Elected for printed version in the Journal of Research of Mathematics and Technology 6 (2), 2017, 11-24. Cite: 6. IF: n/a. Q-index: n/a 3. Th. Dana-Picard and S. Hershkovitz (2018): A Glimpse at Mathematics in Jewish Traditional Artefacts, Symmetry: Culture and Science 29 (2), 307-317. Cite: 4. IF: n/a. Q-index: n/a 4. Th. Dana-Picard and D. Zeitoun (2017): A framework for an ICT-based study of parametric integrals, Mathematics in Computer Science 11 (3-4), 285-296. IF: 0.674. Q-index: Q3 5. Th. Dana-Picard (2018): Automated study of a regular trifolium, Mathematics in Computer Science 13 (1-2), 57-67. IF: 0.674. Q-index: Q3. Available as Springer's 'Online First': http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11786-018-0351-7

33 6. D. Zeitoun and Th. Dana-Picard (2019): On the usage of different coordinate systems for 3D plots of functions of two real variables, Mathematics in Computer Science 13, 311-327. IF: 0.674. Q-index: Q4. DOI: 10.1007/s11786-018-0359-z 7. Th. Dana-Picard and S. Hershkovitz (2019): Geometrical Features of a Jewish Monument: Study with a DGS, the Journal of the Mathematics and the Arts 13 (12), 60-71. IF: 0.258. Q-index: Q1. 8. Th. Dana-Picard and N. Zehavi (2019). Automated study of envelopes: The transition from 2D to 3D, Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology. Jun2019, Vol. 13 Issue 2, p121-135. Elected for printed version in the Research Journal of Mathematics and Technology 8 (1), 2019, 1-15. Cite: 4. 9. S. Hershkovitz and Th. Dana-Picard (2019). Geometric aspects of Jewish sites: a study with a Dynamic Geometry System, ( היבטים גאומטריים באתרים יהודיים: חקירה באמצעות סביבה גיאומטרית אינטראקטיבית ) Research and Studies in Mathematics Education), 7 (1), 68-86. https://www.shaanan.ac.il/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/7-hrshkovitzpikard.pdf IF:n/a. Q-index:n/a 10. Th. Dana-Picard (2020): Automated study of isoptic curves of an astroid, Journal of Symbolic Computation 97, 56-68. Cite: 10. IF: 1.271. Q-index: Q2 . 11. Th. Dana-Picard, A. Naiman, W. Mozgawa and V. Cieślak (2020). Exploring the isoptics of Fermat curves in the affine plane using DGS and CAS, Mathematics and Computer Science 14, 45-67. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11786-019-00419-2 Cite: 6 12. Th. Dana-Picard and W. Mozgawa (2020): Automated exploration of inner isoptics of an ellipse, Journal of Geometry 111, 34. Cite: 1. IF: 0.86. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00022-020-00546-3 13. Th. Dana-Picard and S. Hershkovitz: Exploration of octagons in a technology-rich environment: an example of integration of different domains of knowledge for mathematics learning (in Hebrew), Mispar Chazak 31, Haifa, Israel, 2020, 68-77. 14. Th. Dana-Picard, S. Hershkovitz, Z. Lavicza and K. Fenyvesi: Introducing Golden Section in the Mathematics Class to Develop Critical Thinking from the STEAM perspective, the South-East Asia Journal of STEM Education 2 (1), 151-169, 2021.Cite: 4. IF: n/a (new journal). 15. Th. Dana-Picard and Z. Kovács: Networking of technologies: a dialog between CAS and DGS, The electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology (eJMT) 15 (1), 17 pages, 2021. Elected for printed version in the Research Journal of Mathematics and Technology. Cite: 5. IF: n/a. 16. Th. Dana-Picard and S. Hershkovitz: STEAM Education: technological skills, students’ cultural background and Covid-19 crisis, Open Education Studies 2(1), 171-179, 2020. IF: n/a. 17. A. Raviv and Th. Dana-Picard (2020): Topics in Talmudic and Rabbinical literature: a proposal for mathematics education (in Hebrew), to appear in Research and Studies in Mathematics Education (מחקר ועיון בחינוך מתמטי) , Haifa, Israel. 18. Th. Dana-Picard (2021): Envelopes and offsets of two algebraic plane curves: exploration of their similarities and differences, Mathematics in Computer Science, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s11786-021-00504-5, Springer 'Online First': http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11786-021-00504-5. Q-index: Q3.