JCT - Faculty Research Profile - 2017-2021

110 Dr. Landsman Anna Phone number: 0527868657 Email: annal@g.jct.ac.il Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=sDV11-YAAAAJ The fields of scientific interest: Molecular psychiatry. Human physiology and metabolism. Gene therapy approach for anti-cancer treatment. The present projects: 1. Investigation of the molecular processes associated with Peripartum depression. (In collaboration with Eitanim psychiatric hospital, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, MeuhedetHealth Services). 2. Molecular aspects of Post- Stroke depression. (In collaboration with Sorokamedical center). 3. Selective gene therapy approach for cancer treatment. ( In collaboration with HadassahMedical Centre and Ariel University in Samaria ) Books, Book Sections 1. Preedy, Hunter, Rajendram, Martin and Patel. The Neuroscience of Depression. Genetics, Cell Biology, Neurology, Behavior, and Diet. Chapter 3: Gene expression in depression: Molecular aspects of postpartum depression. Academic Press (an imprint ofElsevier) (2021). Pp. 25-37. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Journals 1. Landsman A., Lichtstein D., Bacaner M. and Ilany A. Dietary phosphatedependent growth is not mediated by changes in plasma phosphate concentration. British Journal of Nutrition (2001), 86: 217-223. Impact factor: 3.657. Cited by 13. Q1. 2. Landsman A., Lichtstein D., Bacaner M. and Ilany A. Distinctive features of dietary phosphatesupply. Journal of Applied Physiology (2005), 99(3):1214-1219 . Impact factor: 3.465. Citedby 11. Q1. 3. Shimony N, Gorodetsky R, Marx G, Gal D, Rivkin R, Ben-Ari A, Landsman A, Haviv YS. Fibrin microbeads (FMB) as a 3D platform for kidney gene and cell therapy. Kidney International (2006), 69(3):625-633. Impact factor 8.395. Cited by 25. Q1. 4. Landsman A., Aidelman R., Smith Y., Boyko, Greenberger C. Distinctive gene expression profile in women with history of postpartum depression. Genomics. (2017), 109(1):1-8. Impact factor: 3.270. Cited by 6. Q1. 5. Landsman A., Greenberger C. Postpartum Depression: Once and for All? Journal of GenomicMedicine and Pharmacogenomics. (2019), 4 (1)