116 Dr. Raz Haya Telephone: 02-6547221 Cell phone: 0528402303 Email: hayar@jct.ac.il Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.il/citations?user=3tkc5IwAAAAJ&hl=iw As an Oncology Nurse, I am interested in the psycho-social effects of cancer diagnosis and treatment on survivors, especially childhood cancer survivors but adults as well. The following are some of the issues for future directions for research: Psychosocial Risk Factors of Cancer Diseases: How Specific Are They? Can we prevent cancer by psychology treatment? Are there any types of people at risk for types of cancer? Childhood cancer and its impact on survivors (adolescents and adulthood) How/what and when to tell a pediatric patient about his cancer for minimizing psychological impairments at his rest of life. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Journals 1. Atias, I. S., Raz, H., Finkelshtein, A. & Kreitler, S. (2021).Adolescents With Cancer Need Trustworthy Information and Prefer to Receive It From a Human Source Rather Than From the Internet: A Qualitative Study. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:746810. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.746810 2. Raz, H., Spitz, H., Adini, B. & Kreitler, S. (2021). Cognitive Dissonance of Ultra- orthodox and Orthodox Nursing Students in the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Religion and Health. (Under review).