JCT - Faculty Research Profile - 2017-2021

128 laser. European Urology Supplements 18(1):e492-e493. [IF=; SCIMAGORJ – Q1, SJR=9.3] 2. Lovat, L., S. S. Sami, D. G. Graham, S. Jevons, V. O. Eneh, J. Ariza, D. A. Hagan, F. Ocampo, M. Novelli, M. Rodriguez-Justo, A. Winstanley, E. Heifetz, M. BenZacharia, U. Noiman, S. Lovat, R. C. Fitzgerald, P. Sasieni, and A. Rosenfeld. 2019. 1067 – A Machine Learning-Based Model to Predict the Presence of Barrett’s Esophagus. Gastroenterology. 156:S-222. [IF=; Q1, SJR=7.38] 3. Lovat, L., S. S. Sami, D. G. Graham, J. Ariza, D. A. Hagan, F. Ocampo, M. Novelli, M. Rodriguez-Justo, A. Winstanley, E. Heifetz, M. Ben-Zacharia, U. Noiman, S. Lovat, R. C. Fitzgerald, P. Sasieni, and A. Rosenfeld. 2019. OTU-16 A machine learning-based model to predict the presence of Barrett’s oesophagus. Gut; 68:A133. [IF=; Q1, SJR=7.09]