JCT - Faculty Research Profile - 2017-2021

43 Prof. Friedman Yaakov Telephone: 02-6751184 Cell phone: 0525903743 Email: friedman@g.jct.ac.il Website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yaakov-Friedman-2. Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=iw&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=yaakov+friedman&oq=Yaa kov+Fr Current research interest is development and testing a new extension of Einstein's Relativity. This theory has a potential to give a new inside in understanding microscopic behavior. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Journals 1. Y. Friedman, I. Nowik, I. Felner, J. M. Steiner, E. Yudkin, S. Livshitz, H.-C. Wille, G. Wortmann and A. I. Chumakov, Advances in testing the effect of acceleration on time dilation using a Synchrotron Mossbauer Source, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 24(3), (2017) 661-666 2. Y. Friedman, Relativistic Newtonian Dynamics for Objects and Particles, Europhysics Letters 117 (2017) 49003 3. Y. Friedman and J. M. Steiner “Gravitational Deflection in Relativistic Newtonian Dynamics” Europhysics Letters 117 (2017) 59001 4. Y. Friedman, T. Scarr and J. M. Steiner, A geometric relativistic dynamics under any conservative force, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 16 (2019) 1950015 5. Y. Friedman, J. M. Steiner, S. Livshitz, E. Perez, I. Nowik, I. Felner, H.-C. Wille, G.Wortmann, O. Efrati, A. Finkelstein, S. Petitgirard,A. I. Chumakov and D. Bessas, The validity of an experiment testing the influence of acceleration on time dilation using a rotating Mossbauer absorber and a Synchrotron Mossbauer Source, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 26(2) (2019) 473-482 6. Y. Friedman and T. Scarr, Relativity from the geometrization of Newtonian dynamics, Europhysics Letters 125 (2019) 49001 7. Y. Friedman and S. Stav, New metrics of a spherically symmetric gravitational field passing classical tests of General Relativity, Europhysics Letters 126 (2019) 29001 8. Y. Friedman and T. Scarr, Symmetry and Special RelativitySymmetry, 11(10), (2019) 1235 9. Y. Friedman, D. H. Gootvilig and T. Scarr, The Pre-Potential of a Field Propagating with the Speed of Light and Its Dual Symmetry, Symmetry 11(12) (2019) 1430 10. Y. Friedman, Relativistic Gravitation Based on Symmetry, Symmetry 12(1) (2020) 183 11. Y. Friedman and. E. Yudkin, Testing Relativistic Time Dilation beyond the WeakField Post-Newtonian Approximation, Symmetry 12(4) (2020) 500;