JCT - Faculty Research Profile - 2017-2021

92 Dr. Yeshua Talia Telephone: 02-6751131 Cell phone: 0524439366 Email: tyeshua@gmail.com Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.il/citations?user=Piv7sWYAAAAJ&hl=en My doctoral dissertation was an interdisciplinary research in the fields of nanoprinting and nanoelectronics. Currently, my research activities include the use of computer vision, machine learning and deep learning tools for automatic diagnosis of pathologies in various medical images. The focus of my research is on the early diagnosis of osteoporosis and of kidney disfunction and on mapping of dental restorations and of oromaxillofacial lesions. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Journals 1. Aaron Brahami, Hadas Levy, Efrat Zlotkin-Rivkin, Naomi Melamed-Book, Nataly Tal, Dmitry Lev, Talia Yeshua, Oleg Fedosyeyev, Benjamin Aroeti, and Aaron Lewis, Live cell near-field optical imaging and voltage sensing with ultrasensitive force control. Optics Express, 25(11), pp. 12131-12143, (2017). IF: 3.31, Rank: Q1. 2. Talia Yeshua, Michael Layani, Uew Hübner, Shlomo Magdassi and Aaron Lewis, Micrometer to 15-Nanometer Printing of Metallic Inks with Fountain Pen Nanolithography. Small, 14(1), 1702324 (2018) (Front Cover). IF 8.3, Rank: Q1. 3. Talia Yeshua, Yaakov Mandelbaum, Ragda Abdalla-Aslan, Chen Nadler, Leurin Cohen, Levana Zemour, Daniel Kabla, Ori Gleisner and Isaac Leichter, Automatic Detection and Classification of Dental Restorations in Panoramic Radiographs, Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 16, 221-234 (2019) Rank:Q3. 4. Ragda Abdalla-Aslan, Talia Yeshua, Daniel Kabla, Isaac Leichter and Chen Nadler, An artificial intelligence system using machine-learning for automatic detection and classification of dental restorations in panoramic radiography, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 130(5), 593-602 (2020) IF: 1.69, Rank:Q1. 5. Talia Yeshua, Ori Gleisner, Richard Lederman, Victor Neeman, Mordechai Duvdevani and Isaac Leichter, A Novel Method for Estimating the Urine Drainage Time from the Renal Collecting System. Abdominal Radiology DOI: 10.1007/s00261-020-02880-1 (2021) IF: 2.43, Rank: Q1. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings 1. Aaron Lewis, Aaron Brahami, Hadas Levy, Eli Zlotkin-Rivkin, Neomi MelamedBook, Nataly Tal, Dimitri Lev, Talia Yeshua, Oleg Fedosyeyev and Binjamin Aroeti. Ultrasensitive Force Controlled Live Cell Optical Imaging and Voltage Sensing. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 62, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2017. 2. Talia Yeshua, Ori Gleisner, Victor Neeman, Richard Lederman, Mordechai Duvdevani and Isaac Leichter, Algebraic processing of sequential fluoroscopy images for quantitative evaluation of partial obstruction of the upper urinary tract.