אתר זה משתמש בקובצי Cookies כדי להבטיח שתקבל את החוויה הטובה ביותר באתר שלנו. קראו את מדיניות הפרטיות ותנאי השימוש.
קיימים מספר ערוצי קבלה.
בכל אחד מערוצים אלו, יש לעמוד בנוסף ביתר תנאי הקבלה. פירוט נוסף ניתן למצוא בקטגוריית מועמדים וכן במדריך לנרשם.
חישוב ממוצע הבגרות כולל בונוס עם ציון מבחן הפסיכומטרי או התיל.
ציון ההתאמה הקובע לקבלה למרכז האקדמי לב הוא 79 לקבלה על תנאי או 80 ומעלה לקבלה תקינה.
למחשבון ציון ההתאמה לחץ כאן
הלימודים מתחילים בסמסטר אלול. במהלך הסמסטר לומדים, בנוסף ללימודי קודש, גם את קורסי הקדם במתמטיקה, מחשבים ופיזיקה (משתנה מחוג לחוג). הסמסטר אורך כחודש ומטרתו לסייע לסטודנטים לחזק ולרענן את הידע בתחומים אלו לקראת הקורסים המתקדמים של סמסטר א'. לכל תלמיד חדש מפורט במכתב הקבלה אילו קורסים הוא מחויב ללמוד בסמסטר אלול.
שכר הלימוד במרכז האקדמי לב הוא שכר לימוד אוניברסיטאי מופחת ונקבע כל שנה על פי החלטת המועצה להשכלה גבוהה.
שכר הלימוד אינו כולל תשלומים עבור לימודי קודש, קורסי יסוד באנגלית, קורסי קדם ואגרות.
מבחן פוטנציאל שבודק כישורים ותכונות רלוונטיים ללימודים האקדמיים. מבחן זה מוכר כמקביל למבחן הפסיכומטרי עבור קבלה למרכז האקדמי לב, למעט למועמדי העתודה האקדמית ומועמדים לחוג לסיעוד.
המבדקים נמשכים כ-4 שעות ומתייחסים למידת ההתאמה לחוג המבוקש. המבדקים מוצגים באמצעות צג המחשב ואין כל צורך בהתנסות קודמת בהפעלת מחשב על מנת להצליח בהם. מבחן להתנסות עצמית ניתן למצוא באתר תיל אינטרנשיונל. לפרטים נוספים על המבחן ושאלות לדוגמא- לחץ כאן
בקשה לשינוי רישום יש לשלוח במייל למדור רישום. יש לציין בפניה שם מלא ומספר זהות.
מדור רישום לב harshama@jct.ac.il
מדור רישום טל harshama-tal@jct.ac.il
מדור רישום לוסטיג oritmu@jct.ac.il
מדור רישום תבונה tvuna@jct.ac.il
ניתן לבצע שינוי כל עוד החוג פתוח להרשמה. השינוי חייב להתבצע ע"י פניה במייל למדור מידע ורישום.
במידה והנך עומד בכל תנאי הקבלה, מכתב הקבלה יישלח במייל בתוך שבוע ממועד קיום הריאיון.
Thermodynamic and rate parameters for L-tryptophan protonation reactions
Slifkin, Michael A.; Ali, Sami M.
Source: Journal of Biological Physics
Volume 19, Number 2, June 1993 pp 109-112
Ferroelectric properties of Cd1-xZnxTe solid solutions
Benguigui, L.; Weil, R.; Muranevich, E.; Chack, A.; Fredj, E.; Zunger, Alex
Source: Journal of Applied Physics
v 74, n 1, Jul 1, 1993, p 513
Radiation-heat treatment of steel
Gofman, Yu.I. Source: Metally
n 3, May-June, 1993, p 106-112
NF-&kappaB activation by ultraviolet light not dependent on a nuclear signal
Devary, Y.; Rosette, C.; DiDonato, J.A.; Karin, M.
Source: Science
v 261, n 5127, Sep 10, 1993, p 1442
Design of labour systems. Formalized theory
Rotshtein, A.
Source: Proceedings of the International Conference on Production Research
1993, p 457
Labour system design. Structural-linguistic methodology
Rotshtein, A.
Source: Proceedings of the International Conference on Production Research
1993, p 663
Optical nonlinearities of methyl red in various solid matrices
Yariv, Eli (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Isr); Reisfeld, Renata; Weiss, Aryeh M.
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1972, 1993, p 46-54
Energy transfer in manganese-doped fluoride glasses
Yitzhaki, N. (Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Isr); Rotman, Stanley R.; Weiss, Aryeh M.; Reisfeld, Renata; Eyal, Marek
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1972, 1993, p 113-119
Computerized radiophotometer based on CCD camera
Azancot, Joseph (Jerusalem Optical Link Technologies, Ltd., Jerusalem, Isr); Schweitzer, Naftali
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1972, 1993, p 381-387
Rapid color-based segmentation in digital image processing
Engelberg, Yaakov M. (Jerusalem Coll. of Technology, Jerusalem, Isr); Chavel, A.C.; Stroh, U.; Weiss, Aryeh M.; Rotman, Stanley R.
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1972, 1993, p 157-165
Analysis of the photoplethysmographic signal
Ratner, Ehud (Jerusalem Coll. of Technology, Jerusalem, Isr); Nitzan, Meir; Shomer, Yoseph; Gutman, Alexander; Babchenko, Anatoly
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1972, 1993, p 410-415
Photoacoustic spectroscopy of CuInSe2 thin films
Zegadi, A. (Univ of Salford); Bagnall, D.M.; Belattar, A.; Pilkington, R.D.; Slifkin, M.A.; Hill, A.E.; Tomlinson, R.D.
Source: Thin Solid Films
v 226, n 2, Apr 30, 1993, p 248-253
Analysis of the photoplethysmographic signal
Ratner, Ehud (Jerusalem Coll. of Technology, Jerusalem, Isr); Nitzan, Meir; Shomer, Yoseph; Gutman, Alexander; Babchenko, Anatoly
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1972, 1993, p 410-415
New type of light-guide sensor
Babchenko, Anatoly (Jerusalem Coll. of Technology, Jerusalem, Isr); Bodenheimer, Joseph S.; Nitzan, Meir
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1972, 1993, p 354-361
Measurement of under-skin temperature using infrared radiometry
Khanokh, Boris (Jerusalem Coll. of Technology, Jerusalem, Isr); Mizrachi, Amiel; Frid, Yair; Nitzan, Meir
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1972, 1993, p 416-424
Faster procedure for deriving regional blood flow by the noninvasive transient thermal clearance method
Nitzan, M. (Hadassah Univ Hospital); Mahler, Y.; Lifshitz, N.
Source: Annals of Biomedical Engineering
v 21, n 3, May-Jun, 1993, p 259-262
New methods for generating microlenses by lithographic processes
Arieli, Y. (Jerusalem Coll. of Technology, Jerusalem, Isr); Ben-Ezra, M.; Eisenberg, Naftali P.
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1972, 1993, p 258-262
Spatial frequency analysis of trabecular bone radiographs
Leichter, Isaac (Jerusalem Coll. of Technology, Jerusalem, Isr); Neeman, Victor; Resin, Emanuel
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1972, 1993, p 400-409
Acousto-optic modulators for use in long-distance laser beam communication systems
Davidovich, Leonid (Jerusalem Optical Link Technologies, Ltd. and Jerusalem Coll. of Technology)
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1972, 1993, p 82-92
Long-wavelength IR GaAs/GaAlAs detector array
Borenstain, Shmuel I. (Jerusalem Coll. of Technology, Jerusalem, Isr); Eisenberg, Naftali P.
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1972, 1993, p 187-197
Magnetic treatment of water - a theoretical quantum model
Srebrenik, S. (Jerusalem Coll of Technology); Nadiv, S.; Lin, I.J.
Source: Magnetic and Electrical Separation
v 5, n 2, 1993, p 71-91
Beam shaping with diffractive optical elements
Kosoburd, Tatiana (Holo-Or Ltd., Rehovot, Isr); Kedmi, Joseph
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1971, 1993, p 390-399
Demonstration of conoscopic pictures
Perkalskis, Benjamin S.
Source: American Journal of Physics
vol.61, no.12, Dec. 1993 p1152
A good enhancement with logical weaknesses; A response to "A good enhancement with logical weaknesses"
Appa, Gautam, Giannikos, Ioannis, Mehrez, A, Sinuany-Stern, Z, Stulman, A.
Source: The Journal of the Operational Research Society
Jan 1993 Vol. 44, Iss. 1; p. 103 (4 pages)
The effects of resource distribution, voice, and decision framing on the provision of public goods
Aquino, Karl, Victoria Steisel, and Avi Kay
Source: Journal of Conflict Resolution
v.36, n.4, 1992, p 665-687.
ECG gated radionuclide plethysmography. A method for the assessment of pulmonary systolic blood volume increase
Nitzan, M. (Jerusalem Coll of Technology); Mahler, Y.; Yaffe, S.; Marziano, R.; Bocher, M.; Chisin, R.
Source: Clinical Physics and Physiological Measurement
v 13, n 1, Feb, 1992, p 21-28
Tensile testing of tubular vascular grafts produced by thermal compression fusion of flat collagenous materials
Wyler, A. (Jerusalem Coll of Technology); Markus, R.T.
Source: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research
v 26, n 9, Sep, 1992, p 1141-1146
New class of composite materials: matrix auto-reinforced organic material - MARIOM
Wyler, A. (Jerusalem Coll of Technology); Markus, R.T.; Wagner, H.J.; de Castro, B.
Source: Journal of Materials Research
v 7, n 8, Aug, 1992, p 1990-1992
Evaluation of the calcium phosphate ceramic implant by non-invasive techniques
Leichter, I.; Bloch, B.
Source: Biomaterials
v 13, n 7, 1992, p 478
Use of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) to follow mineral content changes in small ceramic implants in rats
Mosheiff, R.; Klein, B.Y.; Leichter, I.; Chaimsky, G.; Nyska, A.; Peyser, A.; Segal, D.
Source: Biomaterials
v 13, n 7, 1992, p 462
Fuzzy models of labour systems functioning reliability and quality
Rotshtein, A.
Source: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing and Hybrid Automation, Ergonomics of Hybrid Automated Systems III
1992, p 139
Neural networks with color neurons and hidden units: Memory without errors and attention ability
Sandler, Y. M. (Russian Center of Environment, Moscow, USSR)
Source: 1991 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
1992, p 19-24
Use of interference methods to determine Poisson ratio and obtain conoscopic patterns
Perkal'skis, B. Sh. (Perkalskis); MIKHAILICHENKO A. P. ; LARIN V. L. ; MIKHAILICHENKO YU. P. ; KIRSCH S. G..
Source: Soviet Physics Crystallography
vol.37, no.1 Jan-Feb 1992, pp 87-90
What's going on in certain quantum interference processes, really!
Freeman, J. Reuben
Source: Physics Essays
vol.5, no.2, 1992, pp 164-177
A Note on Socially Optimal R&D Programs and Their Inducement
Posner, M. J. M., Zuckerman, Dror
Source: Operations Research: Supplement
May/June 1992; pp S335-338
The $C\sb a/M/s/m$ retrial queue: A computational approach.
Yang, Tao; Posner, Morton J.M.; Templeton, James G.C.
Source: ORSA J. Comput.
Vol. 4, No.2, 182-191 (1992)
Photoacoustic spectroscopy of defect states in CuInSe sub 2 single crystals
Zegadi, A; Slifkin, M A; Djamin, M; Tomlinson, R D; Neumann, H
Source: Solid State Communications
Vol. 83, no. 8, pp. 587-91. 1992
Elements of a unique bacteriorhodopsin neural network architecture
Haronian D, Lewis A.
Source: Applied Optics
n 30 (5), 1991, p 597-608
Creep of metals irradiated with charged particles
Gofman, Yu.I.; Zalyubovskii, I.I.; Pis'menetskii, S.A.
Source: Physics and Chemistry of Materials Treatment (English translation of Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki Materialov)
v 25, n 1, Jan-Feb, 1991, p 14-18
Metals creep under charged particles irradiation
Gofman, Yu.I.; Zalyubovskij, I.I.; Pis'menetskij, S.A.
Source: Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki Materialov,
n 1, Jan-Feb, 1991, p 17-23
Vibration absorption of metal-glue laminated compositions for deep drawing
Frantsenyuk, I.V.; Frantsenyuk, L.I.; Gofman, Yu.I.; Avanesov, V.L.; Pis'menetskij, S.A.; Zolenko, T.A.; Mizik, I.V.; Sukhova, T.F.
Source: Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki Materialov
n 3, May-Jun, 1991, p 128-130
Damping properties of metal-adhesive laminated composites for deep drawing
Frantsenyuk, I.V.; Frantsenyuk, L.I.; Gofman, Yu.I.; Avanesov, V.L.; Pismannitskii, S.A.; Zolenko, T.A.; Mizik, I.V.; Sukhova, T.F.
Source: Physics and Chemistry of Materials Treatment (English translation of Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki Materialov)
v 25, n 3, May-Jun, 1991, p 319-321
A concurrent approach to systems development and requirements specifications: A case study
Winokur, M.; Engel, A.; Gallant, R.
Source: Israel Conference on Computer Systems and Software Engineering
1991, p 13-19
Changes in the opto-electronic properties of CuInSe2 following ion implantation
Tomlinson, R.D. (Univ of Salford); Hill, A.E.; Imanieh, M.; Pilkington, R.D.; Roodbarmohammadi, A.; Slifkin, M.A.; Yakushev, M.V.
Source: Journal of Electronic Materials
v 20, n 9, Sep, 1991, p 659-663
Computational tests as a means of assessing the inaccuracies of index numbers
Yehezkael, R.B.
Source: IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Business and Industry
v 3, n 2, 1991, p 141
Variable permeability membranes. Network structure of poly(methacrylic acid) and its relation to diffusive transport
Weiss, A.M. (Massachusetts Inst of Technology); Adler, K.P.; Grodzinsky, A.J.; Yarmush, M.L.
Source: Journal of Membrane Science
v 58, n 2, May 15, 1991, p 153-173
Anomalously fast energy transfer between manganese and thulium in fluoride glasses
Maoz, O. (Ben-Gurion Univ of the Negev); Rotman, S.R.; Weiss, A.M.; Reisfeld, R.; Eyal, M.
Source: Journal of Luminescence
v 48-49, n pt 1, Jan-Feb, 1991, p 213-216
Effect of polymer network structure on diffusive transport across chemically controlled membranes
Adler, K.P.; Weiss, A.M.; Grodzinsky, A.J.; Yarmush, M.L.
Source: International Symposium on Polymer Networks and Polymer Networks Group Meeting
1991, p 259
Unusually fast energy transfer in solid state crystals and glasses
Rotman, S.R. (Ben-Gurion Univ of the Negev); Maoz, O.; Arnon, S.; Hadar, A.; Kaczelnik, F.; Felus, Y.; Weiss, A.M.; Reisfeld, R.; Eyal, M.; Hartmann, F.X.
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1442, 1991, p 194-204
Thermodynamic and rate parameters for alanine protonation reactions
Slifkin, M.A.; Ali, S.M.
Source: Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions
v 87, n 19, Oct 7, 1991, p 3241-3243
Research on a curved optical fiber
Eisenbach, Shlomo (Jerusalem Coll of Technology); Bodenheimer, Joseph
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,
v 1442, 1991, p 242-251
Roof-angle error effect on modulation transfer function. II
Levi, Leo; Reichert, Abraham
Source: Applied Optics
Volume 30, Issue 28, October 1, 1991, p.4016
Towards a biomolecular computer 1. Ways, means, objectives
Rambidi, N.G. (Intl Research Inst for Management Sciences); Chernavskii, D.S.; Sandler, Yu.M.
Source: Journal of Molecular Electronics
v 7, n 3, Jul-Sep, 1991, p 105-114
The Concept of 'Available Information' as a Measure of Image Enhancement
Levi, Leo
Source: Journal of Modern Optics
vol. 38, Issue 1, p.69-80, Jan 1991
Phasing Out Inventory for a Continuously Demanded Commodity
Harel, Arie, Stulman, Alan
Source: INFOR
Feb 1991. Vol. 29, Iss. 1; p. 38 (6 pages)
Comments on 'Picture thresholding using an iterative selection method' by T. W. Ridler and E. S. Calvard
Magid, A. (Dept of Electr & Comput Eng, Ben Gurion Univ, Beer-Sheva, Israel); Rotman, S.R.; Weiss, A.M.
Source: IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
v 20, n 5, Sep-Oct, 1990, p 1238-1239
Measurement of relative quantum efficiencies for the relaxation of conductivity of monovalent electrolytes and polyvalent electrolytes using a modulation technique
Slifkin, M.A.; Kushelevsky, A.P.; Al-Khalaf, L.
Source: Electrochimica Acta
v 35, n 5, May, 1990, p 861-867
DESIGN NOTE: An even cheaper capacitance meter suitable for fast transients
Slifkin, M.A. (Univ Salford); Alexandros, A.
Source: Measurement Science & Technology
v 1, n 2, Feb, 1990, p 195-197
Thin organic films for electronics applications
Al-Mohamad, A. (Univ of Salford); Smith, C.W.; Al-Saffar, I.S.; Slifkin, M.A.
Source: Thin Solid Films
v 189, n 1, Aug 1, 1990, p 175-181
New process for manufacturing arrays of microlenses on various substrates
Abitbol, M. (Jerusalem Coll of Technology); Eisenberg, N.
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1334, 1990, p 110-121
Acoustic emission from trabecular bone during mechanical testing: the effect of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis
Leichter, I. (Jerusalem Osteoporosis Cent and the Jerusalem Coll of Technology); Bivas, A.; Margulies, J.Y.; Roman, I.; Simkin, A.
Source: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine
v 204, n 2, 1990, p 123-127
Role of the calcaneal inclination in the energy storage capacity of the human foot. A biomechanical model
Simkin, A. (Hadassah Univ Hospital); Leichter, I.
Source: Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
v 28, n 2, Mar, 1990, p 149-152
What is wrong in extended source adaptive optics?
Abitbol, M. (Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem); Ben-Yosef, N.
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1334, 1990, p 98-109
Increasing plant productivity by changing the solar spectrum
Novoplansky, A. (Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem); Sachs, T.; Cohen, D.; Bar, R.; Bodenheimer, J.; Reisfeld, R.
Source: Solar Energy Materials
v 21, n 1, Nov, 1990, p 17-23
Validation of random phase screens
Naiman, Aaron E. (W. J. Schafer Associates Inc); Goldring, Thomas
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1312, 1990, p 330-343
Sensitivity of HEL far field intensity calculations to choice of turbulence models and parameters
Harada, Larrene K. (W. J. Schafer Associates Inc); Naiman, Aaron E.; Carlson, Lawrence W.
Source: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
v 1221, 1990, p 317-326
The M/G/1 Retrial Queue with Nonpersistent Customers
Tao Yang, Morton J. M. Posner, James G. C. Templeton
Source: Queueing Syst.
7(2): 209-218 (1990)